Running into more Friends (Freedom)

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Hello there it is the author here, well I guess that is not ok, my name is Cythro it is not my real name (Obviously) but instead of author you can call me that, anyway it is Sembreak for me yay freedom so I have more time to work on these books/chapters so you can expect another chapter within the week and if I have enough maybe three, I wasn't able to post because of tests and I am sorry for that but there we go I am back and if I can think of one later I might be able to get a schedule for this so with that out of the way on to the story

<Last Time>

Izuku runs as Shoto and Melissa chase Izuku around Musutafu

Mei and Hitoshi were walking on the sidewalk talking about what they should do with the footage that they got (stole) from UA when they here laughing and shouting going towards them so looking up from the camera they see a boy with a green mop of hair looking back being chased by what seems to be two people, before the pair could even process what has happened the green basoy crashed into them and the two behind him tripped and fell into the pile as well there was a big puff of smoke that appeared as they all crashed into each other

As the smoke cleared we see four people in an awkward position and the fifth no where to be found, just then a person jumped from the roof on to the sidewalk as we now see Izuku as he says "... Wow! proof and Blackmail as he proceeded to picture Shoto and Melissa in an awkward position...(I will not describe the position you can let your imagination run wild) as he turns to the two other people who his clone crashed into to say sorry he sees Hitoshi and Mei as Izuku takes pictures of them and says "Wow... I am getting a lot of blackmail today" as the two pairs got back into their senses they notice the position they were in and started to blush,

As they stood up Shoto was about to shout when Hitoshi stopped him and said "Hey Izuku" Izuku replied with "Yeah? Shin..." as he stopped and put his hands to his side as Shinso reeled his arm and punched him at the top of his head making Izuku look down from the force of the punch

" as he stopped and put his hands to his side as Shinso reeled his arm and punched him at the top of his head making Izuku look down from the force of the punch

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(Sorry if bad quality also imagine Sakura as Shinso and Naruto as Izuku)

then as he snapped out of the trance Shinso said "ha serves you right" Izuku just clutched his head as he crouched and said "What did I d..." as he just stayed there Shinso turned to Shoto "You wanna go?" Shoto just smirked and said "gladly" as Shoto got behind Izuku as his eyes seemed to shine as he said... "Thousand Years of Death" (This needs no explanation)

(This is good)

Izuku went flying off and landed on the floor as he grunted in pain Hitoshi asked "did it hurt?" Izuku replied "Yea what the Heck Shot..." As he froze again Hitoshi and Shoto bowed and presented Izuku (Kind of like a butler) "Do you want to have a go" Both girls nod as they activated some sort of mechanical gauntlet and both punched him making him fly

" As he froze again Hitoshi and Shoto bowed and presented Izuku (Kind of like a butler) "Do you want to have a go" Both girls nod as they activated some sort of mechanical gauntlet and both punched him making him fly

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(Just Imagine that there are two people punching him)

Izuku unfroze in the air as he felt the pressure all at once as if Za Warudo stopped and felt all the pressure hit him at once, making him fly into a Road Roller, the force of the impact caused the Road Roller to turn and land on him... (A/N All the JOJO References are because of a bet I lost... I should really stop losing bets)

Izuku crawled from under the Road Roller in pain and saying "Alright are we even now?" the four just nodded as they started walking and talking while behind them Izuku snickered as he checked his phone for all his Blackmail, seeing that it was still there he ran and caught up with the others.

As Izuku caught up with them he asked Hitoshi and Mei "So what are you two doing here?" at that moment Hitoshi and Mei remembered what they were there for as Mei explained hacking into the footage of UA and Hitoshi explaining that they were thinking of the best way to present it to people hearing this Izuku smiled that gave everyone a chill up their spine as he thought of an idea he looked towards Mei and said can you send me that file, Mei just nodded still recovering from the chill she felt from Izuku after it transferring to Izuku's phone Izuku thought that now he was in the clear so he said oh yeah Melissa, Shoto, Hitoshi, Mei I wanna send you something confused but they nodded as they pulled out their phone (other than Mei whose phone was already out) predicting what was about to happen he used kamui to make himself intangible again as he sent the pictures of his blackmail to them seeing this all four of them blushed

Shoto having the fastest reaction speed out of the four attempted to grab Izuku's phone only for his hand to go right through it as the others started to also grab the phone Izuku just laughed as he said see ya back at the dorm and with that Izuku kamuied back into his room and went to sleep

Sorry for the short chapter but I gotta go so bye! Cythro Out




Izuku: Is he gone?

Shoto: I think so 

Izuku: Great!, So hello there readers Izuku here and I have an announcement to make so I stole the authors clipboard schedule and the next chapter is coming out on November 4 which is the Birthday

Hitoshi: Yeah and we are planning on surprising him

*Sebastian Enters the Room*

Sebastian: Ah perfect I shall prepare for the cake

Izuku: Perfect thanks Sebastian

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