Meeting an old friend (I'm Back)

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Hello there Everyone sorry for not updating for a really long time I, I have been busy with lots of school work so sorry, I had some time now so I was able to, any way sorry but here I am, so a few updates, first one of my friends figured out about my Wattpad and has started reading it so, Hello A.M. I know you are reading this and second thank you so much for the support on me writing this story, when I started writing this chapter the story has gotten 15k views so thank you so much anyway on with the story... (The Video on top is just some music I listened to while writing this)

<Two days ago> (Day after the call)

Izuku woke up at 5 in the morning (The opposite of me)


Izuku stretches as he sits up in his bed, after finishing his stretching he gets up and walks into his bathroom to freshen up

While in the bathroom Todoroki walks in and notices Izuku

"Oh... morning Izuku" Says Shoto

"Huh... Morning Shoto... hey you wanna join me on a trip?" Asked Izuku

"Huh oh sure, anyone else going?" ask Shoto

"Yeah but they will meet us there" Says Izuku

--Le Time Skep--

"So why exactly are we waiting at the docs?" asked Shoto 

"Shhh" Says Izuku quickly as he continues to stare at the sea

Shoto was confused but just looked towards the sea

after a few more minutes Shoto hears something in the water, something big , Izuku hears it to as he just smirks, as the giant piece of land draws nearer, as it gets closer Shoto finally realizes that the giant mass of land moving towards them is, I-island the moving island of inventors (for those who don't know this is from the movie)

As the island makes a stop on the land people start walking off of the island, as people walk off Shoto realizes that today is the one day of the year that I-island stops at a country to get materials and such for there inventions (I mean come on you can't think there are infinite materials on the island)

As people walk out Izuku spots a certain blonde, blue eyed character get off from it (No it is not All Might), seeing this Izuku puts a hand on Shoto's shoulder and kamuis toward her, as he reappears behind her Izuku whispers for Shoto to make a small cube of Ice

Shoto was confused but proceeded to make it anyway as Izuku got it he snickered, using his skillful hand motions Izuku was able to put the piece of ice in the small opening on the back of the person's clothes

A shrill shriek fills the air as the ice bit falls into the person's clothes as she jumps from the chill, Izuku is now laughing on the floor hugging his gut, Shoto is feeling sorry for the girl he did it on but at the same time he is trying so hard not to snicker or laugh

The blonde girl turns around to see Izuku on the floor laughing as she puffs out her cheeks and pouts at Izuku, as she waits for Izuku to get up, as Izuku finally calmed down and got up the girl started to hit Izuku repeating the words Baka as she hit him

The blonde girl turns around to see Izuku on the floor laughing as she puffs out her cheeks and pouts at Izuku, as she waits for Izuku to get up, as Izuku finally calmed down and got up the girl started to hit Izuku repeating the words Baka as she...

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Yes this is Fairy Tail

Izuku laughed as she kept hitting him since it didn't hurt/ affect him at all, Izuku then turned to Shoto and said "Oh yeah Shoto this is Melissa Shield from I-Island , you should still remember her Shoto just nodded, Melissa stopped hitting to look towards shoto as she blushed and bowed towards Shoto

"Hi I'm Melissa, I don't think that we were formally introduced" says Melissa Shoto just blushes as he waves his arms in front of him saying "Ah!... you don't need to do that" (Kind of what Izuku usually does when someone complements him)

Izuku smirks as he says "Yare Yare, is that really how I acted before" Shoto and Melissa both look towards him and tilt their head Izuku then thought of something and snickered in his head as he said "Hey Shoto I just got an idea"

<A/N: I'm gonna do this once so this will be quick>

Shoto: Huh? Whats is it?

Izuku: A new way to piss off Ende-whore

Shoto: Shoot

Izuku: Alright what is the 2 thing that the number 💩 'hero' likes the most

Shoto: Power and Being number 1

Izuku: Yes and now what would happen if you were to date someone who is quirkless

<A/N Not doing that again, don't like the style of writing>

Shoto's eyes light up as he thought of it until it stopped he stopped and said "I don't want to be like him, I want to date someone who likes me for who I am and not for money or power, and at the same time I want to date someone I like not arranged in anyway"

Izuku continued to snicker in his head as he continued "Then were in luck"

This made Shoto confused "Why's that?"

Izuku smirked as he said "Well you and Melissa like each other after all of course, I mean why else, I mean you made her blush when she saw you, and she made you the stoic, seemingly unemotional person blush" Izuku finished snickering a bit as his eye turned red but the two seemed not to notice

As the words finally register in their heads they both turned so read that a tomato wouldn't seem ripe, they both punched Izuku only for their hands to go through him as red liquid poured out from where they hit him, as he coughed and got on the floor as Shoto stared at his hands and started to tear up as Melissa was gasping and tearing up a bit as she whispered "Izuku no" but it was loud enough for Shoto to hear it only to hear an energetic

"No what?" they look at Izuku's body only for it to poof out of existence and Izuku standing on the ceiling smiling with his eyes closed

It took the two a moment to process this but after they did there were two reactions being Shoto saying "Izuku you Bitch" and Melissa screaming "Ahhh a ghost" Izuku continuing the Joke screamed "Ahhh, a ghost where?" Melissa finally processing what happened, both Shoto and Melissa both screamed "Izuku!!!!" Izuku immediately replied "see you are a couple you are saying the same thing as each other and hugging each other, they look down to see that they are" they let go of each other and blush before anything else could be said Izuku puts a finger to his chin as he said "Or was it my shadow clones moving you closer together and moving your hands without you noticing? hm..." 

Hearing this Shoto and Melissa chase after Izuku as Izuku puts his hands up enjoying it and laughing as Melissa and Shoto chase him through the streets of Musutafu

<A/N: So again sorry for not posting in the past few weeks?, months? but anyway I'm back, also I just checked WTF 16K views when I took a break I was at 5K and when I started this chapter I was at 15K so this is really weird, so anyway yeah thanks for the support and all that leave your questions for me to answer since I am having a QnA for my 16K view things>

Questions Here 

(To: Al/ A.M. No you cannot ask here, you can ask in person also shut up you can not answer the questions)

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