Loss Of A Friend

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Olivia's POV

I stood by one of the many windows of the spaceship I was in as It made its way down to earth which I couldn't be more excited about as I wanted to see my father .

Thor and Loki was nowhere to be seen at the minute neither was Valkyrie so I didn't particularly have any one to talk too .

The room then darkened somehow . Considering we was in the galaxy I didn't think that could happen I whipped my head around and looked out of the window to see a very large spaceship I would say at least 100x as big as the one I was in and this spaceship didn't seem friendly .

Then there was loud banging noises coming from the floor below . I grabbed my sword and completely forgot to put my suit on but I didn't have time anyway .

I went in the room only to see almost everyone dead then a few unfamiliar strange looking people including a Voldemort lookalike as his nose was flat .

I also saw Loki holding up the tessaract to some rather large purple dude in golden armour who was somewhat dragging Thor by the head . Whatever Loki was doing I trusted his instinct so I didn't intervene for now .

I then heard Loki say the words

"We have a hulk"

Then Bruce well hulk but still Bruce in my eyes came out of nowhere and began fighting with the purple guy .

The purple guy seemed to be winning and that was confirmed when he threw Bruce on the ground .

I felt someone grab me I whipped round to see a women who was clearly on the purple guys side .

I attempted punching her in the face but she caught my arm and pushed me forward . The purple guy turned to look at me and said

"Who's this ?"

I didn't answer him and just looked at him not wanting to tell him who I was . Thor then punched the purple guy in the face but the purple guy  threw Thor on the ground and put restraints on him .

I too ran at the purple guy not expecting to win but might aswell try for nothing which ended up with me been pushed aside into a wall .

However the purple guy didn't put restraints on me as I expected he would .

I noticed the familiar rainbow portal pick Bruce up and take him to I presume earth . I looked back to the purple dude only to see him plunging a sword into Heimdall .


I screamed I could hear Thor screaming the same thing .

The Voldemort look a like gave the purple dude the tessaract whilst bowing . I then saw the female who attacked me now aswell .

I heard a voice I recognise which could only be Loki ramble on about pledging his undying loyalty and been a guide on earth as the purple dude wanted more infinity stones from earth which he had gotten his 'children' to get for him .

The purple dude didn't seem to believe Loki's intentions were genuine . My eyes widened as I saw Loki had a dagger in his hand .

Was he going to attempt to stab this purple dude?

My question was answered as I saw Loki attempt to stab the purple dude only for the purple guy to grasp his large hand around Loki's neck , I couldn't let Loki die .

I ran at the purple dude my sword at the ready and jumped on him in a attempt to stop him however the purple dude was still strangling Loki who was on the verge of dying . I felt the purple guy grab me with his other hand and began strangling me as well as Loki . I couldn't breath I began prying at his hands in hope of him letting go .

I heard Loki say his final words

"You........... will .............never be ......a ............god"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Loki's body go limp and his face was blue with blood running out of his eyes ..... Loki was dead and I would be soon enough . I couldn't let Loki die for nothing I will avenge him .

So as fast as I could with the little energy I had left I swung my legs up and kicked the purple guy in the face .

Thankfully this caused him to let go of me . I dropped to the floor besides what was Loki and the tears wouldn't stop .

I cradled Loki's head in my lap for some reason the purple guy didn't even try to kill me again but I could sense him staring at me . I couldn't even bring myself to look at him .

"No returns this time"

Wait how did he know Loki had previously faked his death twice? My mind focused on the stories Loki told me about himself and the one time where he let go and made Thor and the rest of his family believe he was dead and a dude called Thanos made him attempt to take over earth .

Then it clicked and I unintentionally said out loud

"You're Thanos"

I slowly looked up to I presume Thanos and saw a unreadable expression on his face . He then replied

"I am"

And grabbed hold of me and teleported us away somewhere.

Soon this gets way better I promise

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