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Olivia's POV

Eventually Past Gamora led Nebula and I out only for us to bump into past Nebula .

"You don't have to do this ?"
Nebula said to her past self .

Past Nebula has caused everyone who was in the past including me , Nebula , Thanos and all his army into the present which ruined the whole original mission but I couldn't argue that I was glad to have been brought back to the present where I belong .

"I am this"
Past Nebula replied .

"No your not"
Past Gamora whom was on our side responded .

"This is what you become"
Nebula added

"Nebula listen to her"
Past Gamora recommended .

"You can change"

"He won't let me"
Past Nebula responded instantly causing me to feel bad for her considering she's spent her entire life been controlled by Thanos .

Nebula then shot her past self causing Past Gamora to shout no As if in hope that Past Nebula would change there and then.


I joined the rest of the avengers alongside Nebula and Past Gamora as we prepared to fight Thanos and the rest of his army which was a similar size to the avengers and there allies .

My eyes widened in shock slightly as the hammer which use to be Thor's flew into Steve's hand .

However I was dragged out of my thoughts as Steve said

"Avengers Assemble"

I fought members of Thano's army as they came at me .

They wasn't too strong and I easily dismissed them .

Before I could process what was the best thing to do I felt my legs running towards Thano's direction .

I saw that he was fighting Carol Danvers a woman who was cocky and arrogant and I never saw eye to eye with her but she was powerful very powerful .

Once Thano's had tossed Carol aside I made my way towards him .

He saw me coming before I got there causing him to grab me by the neck and lift me in the air strangling me .

"You did this to me the first time we met"
I croaked out hoping not to meet the same fate Loki did but things didn't seem to be looking up for me.

I then felt Thano's grip on me loosen as I said this before I continued

"You asked me why I loved you ? It was because no matter how much of a monster you was you rarely acted monstrously to me . You cared proving that your not as much as a monster as people think"

I felt Thano's grip loosen entirely causing me to drop to the floor .

"Stop this Thano's please . All you have to do is stop this"
I continued .

"Why should I ?"
He replied .

"Because I don't know about you but I still love you . I never stopped"

I watched as Thanos dropped his weapon and halted his armies.

My eyes widened in shock that Thanos actually listened .

I looked around my eyes locking with my dads who was wearing the replica of the infinity gauntlet and looked like he was about to click his fingers before he looked at me confused .

I gave him a look saying I will explain later causing him to return one as if to say 'you better' .


Thanos had agreed that he would leave the world as it is which I never thought he would do but I was glad I had somehow managed to persuade him otherwise .

On the other hand now I was at home been questioned by Tony Stark also known to me as Dad .

"What did you even say to him ?"
My dad asked .

"That doesn't matter . What matters is it worked right ?"

"I'm not a idiot Olivia"

"I know because if you was a idiot you wouldn't be able to invent all the things you invent"

"Exactly which means I already know what your refusing to tell me"

"Well that's great . We can just leave this conversation then"

Personally I just didn't want the awkward conversation with my dad saying how i love Thanos whom once made half the people on earth disappear.

"We are definitely speaking about this another day"

I cringed at the thought before making my way outside for fresh air .

I was shocked to see Thanos of all people stood there . I thought he would be in the galaxy by now .

"Why are you here ?"
I asked

"For you"

"But your from the past . You never knew me"

"I know you enough . Nebula's visions showed me everything"

"So what now ?"

"We'll figure it out"

Thanos replied before kissing me .

Ok so this book is now finished . I hope you liked it . And I hope the ending is good enough for you sorry if it isn't .

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