Finally Got Out Of These Handcuffs

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Olivia's POV

What did he mean by that ? When he said
'well then you have only seen the start of what I am going to do'
What on Earth was that supposed to mean? Was he going to brutally murder millions of more people ?

I sighed angrily . How many people did someone need to kill to satisfy themselves ? Why did he feel the need to kill anyone anyway ?

I decided I still wasn't going to eat until I was released from this Pole which as stupid as it sounds I have grown to hate greatly .

I was sick of looking at these same four walls and staring at the Nebula girl whom was dissected even if it had been only a few days . I need to get out of here and if not the spaceship at least these damned handcuffs .

Around two to three hours later the guy who delivers my food brought me as I expected another meal and a drink

"Do you speak to Thanos ?"
I asked the guy who brings me his food .

He stared at me looking a bit clueless which made him look like a idiot but nevertheless I gave him a stare which implied 'answer me right now'

He opened his mouth to speak and finally said

"Only to deliver his food I'm nothing important"

"Well I figured that but tell him from me that I will only eat this food if I'm let out of these pathetic handcuffs"

"I don't think he will react we....."

" I don't care how he reacts just tell him that now or I won't eat and I know he won't want that as he clearly brought me here for a reason even if he won't tell me what that is"

With that the guy left hopefully to tell Thanos my message .

More hours passed until I eventually drifted off to sleep only to be woken up soon after with the door slamming rather loudly if you ask me .

I let my gaze follow to the door only to see Thanos making his way towards me . He better be here to get me out of this room .

I stared at Thanos whom had a angry expression on his face and waited for him to say something .

"You are in no place to make any demands"

Thanos eventually said in a rather aggressive tone . I smirked at this as I rather enjoyed making people annoyed especially people like Thanos .

"Maybe not but my words was very true i refuse to eat unless you let me out of this room"

Thanos went silent he seemed to be thinking about this but because I'm inpatient it was taking far to long and I wanted out so I just continued

"You can get someone to watch over me if that makes you feel better"

Without saying a word Thanos unlocked the handcuffs I presume the key must've been in his hand the whole time .

I rubbed my wrists where the handcuffs have been rubbing considering I was pulling on it repeatedly it must've digged into my skin it was red and bleeding however I only seemed to feel the pain now but it was tolerable however judging by the looks of it if I wasn't careful it could get infected .

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝘿𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩 {𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now