The Battle On Titan

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Olivia's POV

I watched as Stephan started readying his magic and my dad attempted to crush Thanos with a broken looking part of a ship it seemed .

However the broken ship obviously failed to squish Thanos as not even a second later he crumbled it to pieces and sent those pieces flying my dads way .

This was stopped when Peter Parker covered Thano's face with a cobweb which caused Drax to leap in and attack Thano's legs with his sword .

Drax was probably pleased with himself as he had clearly wanted revenge on Thanos for a long time .

The fight continued on with me not exactly knowing what to do as something inside me stopped me from fighting against Thanos but there was no way I would ever turn on my dad and newly made friends either .

Then Thanos threw Peter Parker rather far away only for Peter to come back to which ended up in Thanos attempting to somewhat burn Peter by using the infinity gauntlet or more precisely one of the stones on it .

I decided it was time to step in . No matter what strange feelings I had been gathering recently for Thanos I needed to fight against him .

I no longer had my sword since it was taken from me when Thanos took me to his ship all those days ago but I had a dagger which was on Quills ship which he said I could use .

I ran at Thanos attempting to slice his arm with the dagger but he caught my wrist before I could do so which resulted in me dropping my dagger.

"Looks like you betrayed me Olivia"

I almost laughed at this but instead I scoffed

"Betrayed you ? I was never on your side you took me"

I made sure to kick at Thano's arm which was gripping me this thankfully made him loosen his grip on my arm and resulted in me breaking my arm free and quickly picking up my dagger .

I sliced at Thano's arm managing to form a cut this time . Thanos groaned at this before using one of his stones or powers if he had any , which made me fly back extremely far as my head hit one of the rocks .

"I thought I was getting somewhere with you Olivia"

"Getting somewhere ? What are you talking about?"

"The Alex boy was right I was interested in you"

I didn't know how to react to this but in this moment of time I knew I felt the same way however I could never admit this to him or anybody else as Thano's actions needed to be stopped as soon as possible .

I would never let him kill of half the worlds population because none of the millions of innocent people deserve to vanish from existence.

If Thanos got all the infinity stones and clicked his fingers then many of my friends could die even if all my friends I had met was either through a battle or through my father been one of the worlds best superheroes they were still the only friends I had as before I had no friends .

I was about to reply to what Thanos had said but was cut off when someone jumped in and attacked Thanos from behind .

I immediately noticed this was Nebula and she wasn't in several parts anymore she was fully functioning like a normal person however certain robotic parts where still very clear .

"You should've killed me"
She said to Thanos

"That would've been a waste of parts"

I frowned at what he said because he never should've replaced her limbs with robotic parts in the first place .

I watched as she repeatedly lunged at him angrily before saying

"Where is Gamora?"

But as soon as she said this she was tossed out of the way Landing in a pile of rubble nearby . I
Got up to attack Thanos but Stephan got there first as he used his magic to appear like string in a way and made it wrap around the infinity gauntlet that Thanos wore on his hand.

Quill then used a electrical looking device which trapped Thano's other arm so he couldn't move it whilst Peter got his cobwebs and wrapped them around Thano's torso .

Stephan opened a portal which allowed Mantis to enter through resulting on her landing on Thano's head which was most likely ideal as she could control emotions and feel other people's emotions with one touch .

Mantis's inntennas began to start glowing whilst Thano's eyes rolled into the back of his head .

"Hurry . He is very strong"

My dad , Parker and I worked on pulling the infinity gauntlet off Thano's arm.

Quill landed infront of Thanos whilst saying

"Where is she ?"

I instantly knew Quill was talking about Gamora . Mantis began saying

"He is in anguish . He mourns"

I began to pick up on how Mantis said he mourns and noticed how Gamora was not here with him . I felt my heart drop as I realised he must've killed Gamora or Gamora had died somehow .

Quill however didn't seem to understand what Mantis said by that until Nebula said

"He took her to Vormir . The soul stone returned and she didn't"

I watched Quill's face immediately fall as he came to realisation of Gamora's saddening fate .


"Quill don't"

My dad said in response to Quill's growing anger .

Quill didn't listen and ended up punching Thanos in the face which ended in Thanos realising what was happening and gripping onto the infinity gauntlet. We was just about to get it off aswell .

Thanos regained power and began thrashing at anyone who came his way . The planet began to come towards us exploding as they hit the ground . One of the rocks trapped my leg which made me unable to move .

My attention was drawn to the fight happening between my dad and Thanos resulting in Thanos knocking my dads helmet off and about to torture him with one of the infinity stones .


Thanos didn't listen to me and readied himself to bring on the torture but was stopped as Stephan gave Thanos the time stone as long as my dad was remained alive and torture free .

Thanos made his way over to where I was and grabbed hold of me making sure to teleport me away with him .

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