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Olivia's POV

Much to my surprise Thanos and I had actually been getting along really well the past 18 wait maybe 19 days with occasional bickering .

I had also lost count of days because there was no way to check the time or day . Infact there was nothing but land upon land in this place .

Thanos was currently at the little shack presumably making some food it was one of the only things he tended to do considering movement was somewhat painful for him ever since he clicked his fingers which also resulted In all the infinity stones been destroyed .

My attention was averted to the sky as something that looked like a fireball but was shaped like a human almost like a girl on fire made its way to the hut .

What was that ? I curiously made my way back to the hut hoping to see what it was .

Around 15 minutes later I arrived back at the hut it had shocked me how far I had walked away from it this morning .

I didn't need to open the door as it was already wide open .

I heard Thano's voice say

"Perhaps I treated you to harshly"

And walked in to see Thor swing Storm breaker and decapitate Thano's head .

My dad saw me before embracing me in a hug and saying


I returned the embrace but couldn't tear my gaze upon the sight of Thano's decapitated head laying on the ground .

I felt silent tears run down my face only for everyone in the room to give me questionable looks , I couldn't tell them the truth they wouldn't ever trust me again .

It felt like I had been stabbed yet I know I hadn't . Who knew it could hurt this much .


5 Years Later

"Morgan ? Where are you ?"
I shouted

I made my way towards the small tent which my 5 year old sister Morgan had insisted we put up .

I opened up the tent only for Morgan to jump out wearing one of the Iron Man helmets .

"Morgan You shouldn't be wearing that"

"Why not ?"
She pouted

"It's dads special equipment"

"But you've let me touch your equipment and you don't even use it"

"That's because mine doesn't do as important things as Dads"

I knelt down so my eyes was level with hers and took the helmet of her head before saying

"How did you even get hold of this ?"

"The garage"

"I swear we need a lock on that garage to keep you out . Was you looking for this ?"

"No I found it"

I lifted Morgan up before carrying her back to the house only to stop when seeing my dad talking to Steve , Natasha and the man who I knew as Ant Man or should I say Scott Lang . What were they doing here ?

I took Morgan upstairs knowing that she probably wasn't meant to here this .

"I want to hear what's going on"

"I think it's hero business Morgan"

"You're a hero too . Why couldn't you listen?"

"I could've but I chose not too"


"I don't want to be a hero anymore"

I had not wanted to take part in any hero based things since the death of Thanos . It was hard at the start and everyone that survived the snap wondered why I was so glum but I had now learnt to deal with it I guess I just got to move on but that doesn't mean that it no longer hurts .

Morgan seemed to sense my sadness as she said

"You okay Olivia ?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

Morgan then broke into a mischievous grin before running downstairs .

"No Morgan come back"
I said in a hushed shout .

I ran after Morgan down the stairs only to notice that she had now sat herself upon our dads lap .

"See my second chance"
My dad said to Steve , Scott and Natasha

"I understand Tony but millions of innocent people died and we could have a chance to bring them back"
Steve retorted

"How ?"
I cutt in .

"Time travel"

I thought about this and thought about how not only half of the world that got snapped away but that I may be able to see Thanos again .

"I'm in"

"Olivia no"
My dad said

"Yes those people who got zapped away deserve a Chance to live there lives . We got lucky others didn't . Some of our friends didn't"

My dad stared at me for a while but then hesitantly agreed that I could help the remaining Avengers not including himself with the mission .


I was layed in my bed reading a nearby book but was interrupted when the door burst open.

"I've done it . I've figured it out"

I looked at my dad with my eyebrows raised .

"Figured what out?"

"Time travel"

"So you decided to help after all"

"Yes you was right some people weren't as lucky as us"

"Knew you would change your mind"


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝘿𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩 {𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now