Fat Thor ?

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Olivia's POV

I got out of the car my dad had brought me and himself in as I saw Steve making his way towards us .

My dad went to the boot and gave Steve his shield back as I knew my dad had taken it from him after there fight all those
Years ago .

"He made it for you"

My dad said clearly referring to how my grandpa had made Steve the shield .

"Plus I have to take it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding"

I knew for a fact Morgan would happily do that if she ever felt the need to go sledding after a stroll through the garage .

"Thank you Tony"

"We are getting the old team . Yeah ?"

"We are working on that now"


Natasha had gone to get Clint whilst I had gone with Bruce and Rocket to go and get Thor in Norway where the Asgardian refugees were making there new Asgard .

Once the truck came to a stop I got out and saw that the new Asgard looked rather damp and was extremely cloudy , not the type of place I would want to live in .

"Valkyrie good to see you"
Bruce boomed .

"I think I liked you better as either of the other two"

I'm some ways I knew what Valkyrie meant because I was still getting used to Bruce been both Bruce and Hulk mixed into one .

"This is Rocket"

"Hey how you doing ?"
Rocket said

Valkyrie looked my way and smiled at me .
We had never been particularly close but we got along and had respect for one another .

"Where's Thor?"
Rocket asked .

"He only comes down here once a month when he comes for his supplies"


Valkyrie pointed at the barrels nearby which were clearly labelled "BEER" .

"Ah so he got it bad"

Valkyrie nodded


"Is this his house ?"

I asked as we creaked open the wooden door of the small house which I supposed belonged to Thor . A waft of booze filled my nose which wasn't particularly pleasant .

"Something died in here"

Rocket said clearly referring to the smell .

I walked into the main room only to see Korg and a few others then there was Thor standing in the middle of the room in nothing but Pyjama bottoms . He had gotten fat . His once toned muscles had become flabby and his belly had rounded most likely because of his large supply of Beer .

"My friends hey"
Thor slurred .

He must have taken the whole Thanos and infinity stone things hard .

"Hey guys feel free to log into the WiFi no password obviously . That kids back online he just called me a dickhead again"
Korg said

Clearly Bruce and Rocket were also too shocked to say anything because I know I was .

"Noob master 69?"


I watched as Thor grabbed the phone nearby him before saying .

"Noob master hey yeah it's Thor again . Listen buddy if you don't log of this game immediately then I'm going to fly over to your house come down to that basement your hiding in and rip off your arms and shove them up your butt then go cry to your father you little weasel"

"Thank you Thor"

Rocket and Bruce shared the similar concerned expression as me as this was not the Thor we knew .

"Thor you alright buddy ?"

I'm glad Bruce asked this because it needed to be asked and I didn't want to be the one to say it .

"Yeah I'm fine"

"You look like melted ice cream"

Usually I would've laughed at Rockets insult but due to the circumstances and why we needed Thor it wasn't that funny .

"We need your help there might be a chance we could fix everything"
I finally spoke .

"Like the cable?"

"Like Thanos"
Bruce spoke.

"We don't speak that name"

I knew Thor never forgave himself for not going for Thano's head that time as he had the chance to save the half of the world that died but just hit his axe in Thano's chest instead of the head .

"We actually don't speak of that name in here"

I looked at Korg who had paused from playing his match from Fortnite , a game that I had never really bothered to play .

Thor began having a miniature breakdown but we eventually got him to agree to help us .

I knew deep down he would want to avenge Loki and not let him die in vain .

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