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Olivia's POV

"Thanos where are you taking me ?"



"I need to get the last infinity stone"

"Why bring me?"

"You're my prisoner"

I gritted my teeth at Thanos saying I was a prisoner as I had never particularly seen myself as a prisoner to anybody .

Avenger after avenger came at Thanos every single one been tossed aside and easily beaten much like I was the first time Thanos and I met .

I already knew that it was Vision who had the final infinity stone as it was placed in his forehead rather clearly.

However when my eyes set on Vision I saw Wanda there infront of him most likely wanting to get the stone out of her lovers head before Thanos could get to them.

I then saw Steve come and attack Thanos throwing punch after punch not that it seemed to affect Thanos much but Steve was stopped when Thanos lifted Him up much like how he had lifted Loki up before throwing him to the ground .

Thanos made his way towards Wanda and Vision only for Wanda to push Thanos away with one hand using her powers whilst she continued using her powers from her other hand on Vision .

I wasn't going to stop her either as I didn't want to be seen as a prisoner to Thanos as I was no prisoner also we couldn't let Thanos get those stones .

The stone in Vision's head eventually broke which concluded in Thanos using one of his stones to make it reappear in Visions head .

Thanos grabbed Vision by the neck as he had done with Loki and more recently Steve before pulling the stone out of Visions head .

Wanda cried .

I felt sick to my stomach as Thanos had killed yet another one of my friends .

Vision instantly turned grey and dropped to the floor not moving in the slightest .

I felt tears slip down my face but remained silent as there was nothing I could do now . I should've done something but I didn't because I didn't know what to do .

I already knew I could never beat Thanos in a fight but I could of at least delayed him .

My attention was then brought too Thanos as he let out a yell after putting the final stone into the infinity gauntlet which he wore .

My eyes widened as I knew what this meant , it meant that Thanos could destroy half the worlds popularity with just a click of his fingers .

I was about to run at Thanos to prevent or stop him from doing this but someone got there first .

I looked up to see none other than Thor coming down with his hammer that had lightening flashing out of it as usual when he was in a fight .

Thor's hammer or should I say axe which he called Stormbreaker then plunged into Thano's chest .

However Thanos didn't seem like he was dying he just seemed slightly weakened . My assumption was proved true as Thanos said

"You should've gone for the head"

The next thing I knew was Thanos clicking his fingers . I felt fear and worry creep inside me as   I knew exactly what this meant .

A portal appeared behind Thanos as he stepped back into it obviously dragging me with him as I expected him too . I guess it was just becoming too predictable now .


I looked at my surroundings to see I was with Thanos on a porch infront of  a rather small looking house .

Nobody was in sight but I couldn't tell whether it was because half the world was currently disappearing or already gone or becuase its just a genuinely empty place .

Though I had now come to the conclusion that I wasn't part of the disappearances as I was still alive and showed no signs of disappearing .

"Why ? Why did you take me here?"

"You're the only person I care about enough to show it"

"Who ? Me ? Your 'prisoner'?"
I said with a glare .

"I have to call you a prisoner as otherwise you wouldn't be here willingly"

"Maybe if you didn't try to kill everyone I would want to be around you more"

"It had to be done"

"Why did it ? Tell me"

"The universe is overpopulating"

"You killed your daughter just because the universe is 'overpopulating' "

I saw a sense of sadness overcome Thanos face at the thought of Gamora and her death before he walked away clearly having nothing more to say to me .

Shorter chapter and I promise the next one will be longer :)

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