The Truth

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Olivia's POV

Suprisingly Thanos hadn't bothered me much since I brought up how he killed Gamora infact he hadn't spoken at all and had avoided me as much as he could .

This was rather good and peaceful the past 3 days but now I was beginning to become bored and wanted nothing more than to see if my dad and Pepper were still alive .

Pepper wasn't my real mum but I always saw her as such because she was always there where as my real mother left me with my dad as soon after I was born back in my dads playboy man whore days before Pepper but I wouldn't have it any other way .

I also wanted to know which of my friends was still alive but it looks like I wouldn't be finding out any time soon .

I sighed and made my way towards where Thanos was which was somewhere in the garden .

"Thanos ? I want to go home NOW"

"You can't"

"And why not ? You brought me here and let me roam free even though there is nobody around in the slightest and you don't even speak to me"

"Your bored ?"

"Yes very much so"

"What do you want to do?"

I stared at Thanos who had half of his body and face looking charred and burnt after he clicked his fingers .

The power of the gauntlet seemed to have almost killed Thanos which means it must've been pretty strong considering Thanos wasn't exactly human and was a Titan .

"I don't care just talking would be good enough"

"And you would want to talk to me ?"

"Yes . Well no not particularly but your the only person here so I don't really care"

"Your diffrent to the other 'heroes' Olivia"

I raised my eyebrow as Thanos emphasized the word heroes .

"How so ? And I wouldn't be a hero if my dad wasn't one of them"

"Your father ? Was he the one in the iron suit because you seemed distraught when I was about to torture him"

"Yeah that's him now answer my question . How am I different ?"

"I actually like you the others just annoy me"

"What do you mean by that ? You say I'm interesting . You say you actually like me but why ? Whats so good about me?"

"I don't know"

I took note in how Thanos was looking at me and realized that it was because he loved me and I could no longer deny my feelings to him .

"I know why and I feel the same way"

Thanos looked up at me with a questioning look as if gesturing for me to continue which I did .

"I love you too Thanos . You've not been making it very discreet by the way"

"Even after what happened to all your friends ?"

"I don't forgive you for that and I never will but feelings don't just go away"

"I killed that boy Alex"

"Why ? He was on your side"

"He claimed to be but I knew he would betray me sooner or later"

"How did he betray you ?"

"He didn't I just knew he would"

I felt anger grow inside me that he killed Alex for no reason . I wouldn't say Alex was my friend but we spoke a little and he certainly didn't deserve to die .

"You can't just do that he did nothing wrong"

"I don't care he knew too much"

"Too much ? What exactly did he know ?"

"I am not going to tell you that"

I frowned and began to walk away not wanting to speak to Thanos any longer looks like I will be going back to sitting in boredom .

I made myself some food which wasn't much considering all there seemed to be here was vegetables .

After shoveling the not so nice tasting vegetables down my throat I noticed Thanos approaching me . I wonder what he wanted ?

I felt Thanos gently grab hold of my wrist which caused me to turn around and look at him only for him to press his lips to mine .

Suprisingly it wasn't bad it actually felt quite nice and our mouths merged together perfectly .

Once he pulled away I asked

"Why did you just do that ?"

"You're the only person I've ever been interested In"

"I was expecting that . You don't seem like the caring type"

"What makes you say that ?"

I began laughing because it seemed fairly obvious to me .

"Well you clearly aren't a people person considering how you happily clicked half the world away"

"It needed to be done"


I muttered under my breath , I think Thanos heard me but just decided to say nothing to avoid another argument .

"You're right though I don't like people"

"I can tell most people you meet get strangled at some point"

"You didn't"

"I did the first time we met I jumped in to try and save Loki and you began to strangle me , you would've probably killed me if I didn't kick you"

"Well I'm glad I didn't kill you"

"Good you should be"

I know I promised a longer chapter which it is longer but it's still kinda shorter than most so again sorry about that :)

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