"Maybe he doesn't like me," Maisie wailed for the millionth time, whilst Jay dabbed her eyes with tissues, as I came back from the loo.
"You've known him for five minutes - it's a bit early to be disappointed," Jay said tentatively.
I then grabbed my phone and Iogged onto Facebook - without telling Maisie, I decided I was going to try finding Stef, see if I could find out anything about him. Considering he'd not said that much about himself, one can only be curious.
There was a new friend request and I curiously clicked to see who it was - Ashley Horne. No mutual friends - what a great start. Works as a musician in London, from Reading, England, born January 4th. Likes Vans, the Unicorn Kid, Vid Warren, The Lonely Island and E4. Who on earth? DECLINE.
As I was about to delete the request I saw the profile picture - CRAP! It was Ash, as in Ash, our neighbours, our noisy neighbours.
How the HELL had he found me on Facebook? He didn't know my name! Well, not my surname! Only my first name! Was he some stalker who had known me from birth or what - oh for goodness' sake!
I must've made a funny face or made a noise without realising because Jay asked me what was wrong.
"Um, uh... our neighbour just added me on Facebook?"
"Stef?!" Maisie asked, snatching my phone out of my hands.
"No, Ash," I said.
"Accept him, accept him! He'll be friends with Stef on Facebook!" Maisie said, stabbing away at my phone.
"Give me my phone back," I said, reaching over as Maisie maneouvered the phone away from me. Oh for God's sake, just give it back already! I leaned over and she moved again, resulting in me faceplanting to the ground. What the hell was she doing anyway which took so long? She ran around and I chased after her, looking so ridiculous, flailing my arms around trying to save my phone from Maisie's wrath.
I finally managed to forcefully yank the phone out of her fingers. Crap she'd accepeted!
Well, I wasn't going to decline, but WHATEVER.
She'd bloody posted on his bloody Facebook bloody wall.
And she'd added Stefan bloody James bloody Donald bloody John bloody Abingdon as a bloody Facebook friend. Maisie!
She was so obsessed I decided it might be a tad mean to yell at her so I controlled my feelings and put together all my willpower to not scream my head off. Instead, I calmly viewed Stef's profile; born January 19th, Hometown: Fulham, Current Location: London, Occupation: Musician -
Wait, were they all musicians? I curiously looked up Dru but he had super strict privacy settings so I couldn't see anything except for his gender: male. Well, duh, I'd kinda sussed that one out myself.
I remembered that Maisie had posted on Ash's wall - a completely cringe-worthy post. I mean, what university student posted on people-they'd-met-just-today's walls in capital letters with countless kisses and sounding totally creepy? It was just weird and Ash would be really, really weirded out. I mean, not that I really cared what he thought, but nobody wants their hot neighbour to think they're weird, right?
The WiFi in our flat was being a total pain in the butt - it kept crashing and was taking forever to load. I had to refresh and reconnect a million times before it finally connected me to my profile page - WHAT?
I wanted to die - he'd read it! He was online! And he'd read my post! Actually, no, he had read Maisie's post which she'd posted on my account, making me look like an absolute creepy stalker.
What? What did 'Mais' mean? Well, it was French for 'but'. Me and but? Me and Butt? Was this a sick joke or WHAT? Or was he just a really bad speller? Or maybe he wasn't the most accurate typer? And anyway, forget that - what was with the grammer?! EVERYBODY should know it's 'Mais and I', or "Mais and me" - NOT 'me and Mais'. Possibly one of the worst and most irritating grammatical mistakes in the entire English language.
I sighed and logged off, deciding to deal with it later. I looked up from my phone and saw Maisie rapidly typing away on her phone. I leaned over her shoulder to see what she was -
"Maisie, what are you doing?" I asked, facing her.
"He is so hot," she gushed, hugging her phone to her chest. What was wrong with her? It was as if her brain was being posessed by him. Like a childhood crush-type obsession. Only a lot more obsessive. A LOT.
In absolute dismay, I walked off to get settled for an early night.
Today had been far too hectic.
And Ashley Horne's attractive face wouldn't leave my bloody mind alone.
Noisy Neighbours (The Midnight Beast Fanfic)
Teen FictionNatalie, Maisie and Jay have recently moved into their new London flat expecting peace and quiet, but soon enough, they discover their noisy neighbours are definitely one of a kind...