Chapter 4

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It'd been several days since the council meeting and Michael took her number. They'd been texting and calling each other since. She felt so guilty because she hadn't told her best friend. They were so close and didn't keep secrets from each other. That's why their friendship had lasted all through the years. They trusted each other but Jackie didn't really approve of Mike and she couldn't ask her why without her suspecting that she was falling for him. She really wasn't in the mood for her lectures when he was concerned. She'd never felt like this about anyone. It must be real, granted they'd just met over a week ago but still her heart couldn't be wrong. The school was back in session. It was a new year and she loved it already. If she played her cards right, she'd be boo'd up by Valentine's Day and she won't be messing with Jackie's plans. Every year since they'd been little girls they'd been having Galentine's day with their mom till Jackie started dating Todd in high school and it became a tricky situation because she was still single. It wasn't that guys didn't look her way. They did but she got the attention of the bad boys and she'd rather not end up like her mom. She wanted a good guy like Todd or Mr Patterson, who was Jackie's stepdad.

"Sal?" Jackie snapped her fingers trying to gain her attention.

"What's up?" Sal replied

"Where has your mind been lately? Are you okay?" Jay asked with a concern laced in her voice.

"I'm okay. One of my classes is just intense and you know how I get" she lied.

She had no difficult class. She was a straight-A student. She was everybody's tutor. She couldn't really tell Jackie what exactly was on her mind because she knew she'd hate it.

"Well, if you're having a hard time then I wonder how the others are doing. You're the smartest person I know." Jay joked.

you saying before I zoned out." She inquired.

"Todd and a couple of friends are going bowling this Friday, wanna come? There would be a lot of hunks." She winked.

"Nah, I think I'll just stay home and catch up on my reading assignments. I'm kind of falling behind" She lied again.

"Dang it girl, since when did you fall behind? Where is my friend because clearly you aren't her" she joked.

"Told you this new class been giving me a beating." She smiled.

"Well, study hard. I'll have fun for both of us. I need to get going and so should you." she said and they gathered their things and set off for their next class.

P. S: Thanks for reading 😊 What is Sal up to?

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