Chapter 11

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It was a Saturday morning, Jane didn't have to go to work but she did need to get the house in order but nonetheless, she could afford to sleep in a little later than usual. She could feel tiny hands moving across her face. She began to smile. It was their morning ritual. She'd sleep late and Jace would wake her up by running his fingers across her face. It was a struggle on weekdays to get him up and ready for day-care, you'd think that on weekends, he'd actually sleep in but no, not her Jace. Her little man would be up bright and early at 6 am sometimes even earlier. He'd be ready to eat and play.

"Mommy, up," he said

Anytime, he called her mom, her heart ached for the people who made him and had never gotten the chance to enjoy being with him. He was such a delightful little boy. Being in his presence always chased away all her problems.

"Alright, I'm up" she smiled at him and she grabbed him for a cuddle.

They got out of bed and into the bathroom to wash up a bit before heading downstairs. When they got down, she switched on the TV placed him in front of it. She proceeded to make him his breakfast which was consisted of a bowl of cereal and milk and fruits. He liked to feed himself because he thought he was old enough so she left him to eat as she went about straightening the house. She had just put in another load of laundry in the washer when she heard the knock on the door. She peeped in to see what Jace was up to and found him glued to the screen watching his favourite show with the mess he'd made of his breakfast oblivious to him. With a little shake of her head, she opened the door smiling.
In front of her was Jackie, the girl who asked her out to coffee to discuss her relationship with Michael Porter.

"Well, I know who one is but who is the other one?"

"Good morning, how may I help you?" she greeted cheerily.

"Hello good morning, I am Sally Turner" the other woman introduced.

"And I am-" Jackie introduced

"Jackie Patterson-Brown" Jane interrupted

"Okay, I'm Jane Nelson-Jones. Come in"

She led them into the kitchen and offered them seats at her kitchen counter because that offered her the best view of the living room where the most important person in her life was.

"Would you like some coffee? It's a fresh pot that I brewed this morning" she offered

"Yes, we would like some," they said in unison

She poured everyone a cup and sat down.

"Well, let's get to it then. How can I help you again?" she asked Jackie

"Remember my friend I was talking about the last time we met? She would like to hear the details about your relationship with Mike herself so I brought her."

"Is this who Michael was talking about? Well, there's no way to find out without being suspicious. I just need to say what he asked me to say"

"Oh, that!" she exclaimed fixing a broad smile on her face.

"We had a little arrangement if you know what I mean" she winked, "I violated the terms and he ended things with me. I was upset because come on look at me. Who wouldn't love to be with me? So, I got even" she said contentedly.

Jackie couldn't believe what had just been said. Her story would've been quite easy to swallow but the faded mark on her cheek gave her away.

"Oh, I see. I understand. We'll be on our way now" Jackie responded

Sally was about to say something when Jackie nudged her and signalled her to let her be. Jane saw them out and leaned against her door and sighed heavily.

Once they were out, "I don't believe anything she said" they both said

"Jinx" they cried in unison and burst out laughing

"Okay, why don't you buy anything she said?" Jackie questioned

"Did you notice the faded mark on her cheek?" Sally pointed out

"Yes, I did," Jackie said

"I think someone made her say that to us," Sal said

"Someone? Or Mike?" Jackie asked

"Either way, I'm still staying away from him" Sal stated emphatically

"Good" Jackie agreed

They moved their car up the street a couple of houses away from Jane's and called for reinforcements.
While waiting for them, Sal texted Michael that she was still uninterested in going further with him. Shortly after, he called but she rejected his call a few times. An hour later, they saw him speed onto Jane's driveway. He jumped furiously out of his car and went banging on her door.

"Oh my God! His plan didn't go as planned" Jane panicked.

She grabbed Jace and locked him upstairs in the bedroom amidst the boys cries from being startled by the noise Michael was creating outside.
She said a prayer and opened the door and got greeted with a blow across the face.

"What did you tell her!" he asked angrily

"I told her what you said I should" she cried

"Liar!" and sent another punch her way

"Please, I'm telling the truth" she begged

"So why would she still say no to me?" he questioned

"I-I don't know" she replied and received another hit

"I know why," Sally said appearing in the doorway

He couldn't have heard right. She couldn't be here. The hand mid-air he turned and saw Sally staring at him with disgust. His expression turned to one of a deer caught in headlights.

"Your jig is up" Ben sneered

"Finally, the mask is off. I can finally see the real you" Sally said

"Help" Jane pleaded and fell unconscious.

P. S: Thanks for reading! 😊

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