Chapter 8 : The Escape

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Chapter 8 :Escape Plan.

Get inside you filthy animal! Said the police officer who shoved me in there. "NOO LET ME OUT! I CAN'T LIVE IN THIS HELL WHOLE, PLEASE WHAT HAVE I EVEN DONE?!" Then he walked of acting like he didn't hear me. I kissed my teeth and moved away from the cell bars only to turn around to see 4 other girls who looked like they were in there 20's and one bunk-bed with a half broken toothbrush smidged with blood and a leak in the wall comming from a toilet which seemed to be clogged up with faeces. "Hi girl's... Erm my name is blessing and erm i am a student at college and erm i got put into jail for erm well i don't know why. But i hope we can be friends"? I said nervously while scratching the back of my head and loosing my collar.

The room was silent for like nearly a minute after one of the girls started laughing heavily, hitting her hand against things while they broke. But she was still laughing. The others looked at her then suddenly burst into tears of crying. I felt quite stupid because nearly everywhere i'd go no matter what i seemed it was right people either mocked me or bullied me. But this time i wasn't going to let it happen. "Fine... If you choose to mock me then i guess, i guess you can figure your own way out of this jail". I said with a slight mischevious grin. They stopped laughing and grabbed me close by the neck and said " if you can really get us out of jail then we will do anything you want us to do." "Hmm well now i will have to think about it since some think that i'm stupid."

"We're sorry." all the girls said simultaneously. " OK deal". Everything was going quit well until another girl from a different cell shouted i want tp escape to. And then all the other people in there cellars started complaining on her they want to escape and what not. Then a guard seemed to be walking by and pressed a red button which automatically opened all the cell doors. I think i had an idea.

Everybody had to make a single file and walk left foot right foot and enter the food hall quietly. But this was too quiet and very unexpected. I'd never been to jail before so i didn't really have a mind-map of what it would look like but that wasn't the main point. I walked down the aile and got a tray which unfortunatley had a crack at the bottom. One of the dinner women welll i think it was a woman i'm not sure since she looked very muscular and manly. She gave me a chicken,mash potato, peas, and gravy but they were all blended together. The she dumped it on my tray with a big silver spoon, the brown substance just wobbled around on my tray sort of like jelly. I tried gathering the othdr girls together to try and combine a plan. I already sorta had a gist of what i was planning to do. I discussed with the girls... Once again they laughed at me and said "you silly little girl. There is no way from escaping jail. Argh i hate those little foolish "educated" people who just think they know EVERYTHING!" I was quite gobbsmacked on what i just heard. So i took my tray and trotted off. Not knowing my food was leaking. She called me back but i just ignored her. So she ran after me but just then she slipped on my food and fell on her back. "Omg omg omg! I'm soo sorry." i said whilst the sweat of my forehead was dripping into my food. "You, Me, Cells, 12:00pm". She said whilst she clenched her fist together and hit her other fist with it.

OK now I was freaked out. But we wasn't going back into our cells for good until 5:42 and it was only 12:32 so i had enough time to make a plan and escape! I quickly crept back to the cell and started planning of how i was going to escape. Will the escape go perfect? Will i get caught bt the police officer's and soliders? Well...

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