Chapter 14 - Where are you conscience?

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Hey, Hope Your liking the story so far, from now on going to make my chapters more longer, since some people say its to short. Also i'm not going to rush things, it's just that i can't be bothered to write sometimes. lol xD hope u like it tho!

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Chapter 14 - Where are you conscience?

"Alright these are the basic rules, and oh just so you know this group is called the K.zozy'z"

"Erm alright then, haha that's a stupid name!" i blurted out.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? K.zozy'z is the name of the first ever cocaine deal on this planet that was worth more than 70 million pounds, and you INSULT HIM?"

"Oh i never knew that, and sorry. I Apologized sweetly, hoping for forgiveness.

She didn't even accept my apology, well at least i know i have apologized. "Erm anyways what are the rules?"

" Oh right, Rule 1 - You can never give us in no matter the consequence.

Rule 2 - Never set us up

Rule 3 - Once you join you can never quit ! Unless so you die.

Rule 4 - We have a secret handshake which must never be exposed only to members

Rule 5 - You have to cut yourself and drink your own blood.

Rule 6 - You must be careful who you sell your cocaine to.

Rule 7 - If you spend the cocaine money and try run away if caught you will be killed and eaten BY US.

Rule 8 - Every Member must never reveal their real identity and has a nickname.

Rule 9 - You cannot wear another other color expect Yellow, Which represents the sun: and that it's powerful

Rule 10 - Never say K'zoyz'z name in Vain

"Right so you got that?"

"Yeah" i replied 

"Alright, follow us, your now a member of the crew and your nick name is Lady Lu$h."

"Alright" I didn't like that name, what type of name was that? it sounded corny, but i couldn't disagree who knows what could of happened then. The rain seemed to settle a bit so we started walking to their hideout. After walking in mushy mud and knotty hair and wet clothes, we finally arrived. 

"Behold" said Jessica

"Wow this is - its - its - its not anything i expected." i stuttered. It was more like a palace. " How did you afford all this? i questioned her.

"Cocaine. The more you do, the more money you get, the more you live the dream. We dress rough and dirty just incase a police catches us they would never think that is our house so wouldn't question us how we got the money. But yet again they think we are trying to rob it but then we just "bribe talk them" but be careful, it doesn't work on all of them. Some of them are people just like us in disguise so watch out"

I wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying, i just kept admiring the house. Marble floors, tiled walls, diamond chandeliers. I'm actually starting to think this is a good idea. Yet looking back on my past this could lead me to a lot of trouble. Although i knew this was a bad start from the beginning there is nothing i can do now since i have already joined. Or is there? 

"Erm Jessica?" 


"Erm i have this "FRIEND" who was a new member of a gang and like their past was really messed up and they knew this was a bad idea but they had already joined the gang but really wanted to leave but i'm not sure if their leader said yes or no. What would you say?" I asked, as the hairs on my back stood up, sweat dripping on my back leaving cold patches.

"Is this of your "FRIEND" You? she asked. Looking into my eye with not even a blink

"Pfft, of course not, this gang is awesome!" i said looking around uncomfortably.

"Well in that case, that person it depends what they do, if they leave and spread the word then they will be caught and burned to life, or if they run away with all our drugs they would be buried to alive 8 feet underground not even 6"

"Wow, i wouldn't want to do that, anyway's erm where is my room? i need to change out of these dirty clothes."

"Oh just upstairs first door on the left, let Sam show you, since you will be sharing a room with her."

Sam then walked up to me and clutched my hand tightly giving me the gang handshake and giving me a so called "warm" hug which felt as if she was crushing my internal organs. Climbing up the stairs was longer than i thought, it took like 3 minuets, when Sam and I finally got there she introduced me to everything. I was so shocked, all the clothes where exactly something i'd like Except they were all yellow. Argh i hated yellow so much though. But i had to stick with it. The room was nothing i expected. Marble floors yellow curtains, opening the wardrobes, everything my size! As if they knew i was comming.

    "Alright, you've had enough, now come downstairs and let's deal with REAL BUSSINESS..." What did she mean by this? she's already discussed the cocaine stuff what could it be now?

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