First things first

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This is actually my first time publishing fan fiction so it probably sucks. Anyway, I recently finished Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (I know, I'm late to the party) and I ship link with both Zelda and Riju so this is basically a shipping fanfic. It'll be separated into two parts, the first being about Zelda and the second about Riju so if you still wanna read the story but hate Riju then you can stop at the second part. I might make them into two different books also so look out.

When the story starts it takes place about mid-late summer (not that it matters, the seasons seem to change with location in Hyrule rather than time) and I'm just using regular months to keep it simple.

Yeah so that's about it idk who would ever read this but if you are thanks bye .

Also it bugs me you can't indent paragraphs on here :/

Botw After the fact (LinkxZelda & LinkxRiju)Where stories live. Discover now