Chapter 5

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I don't know how long I was in the shower for but I here a thump and immediately turn the water off and here someone say, "God damnit." I quickly step out and wrap a towel tightly around myself before running out of the bathroom. I sigh when I see Becca groaning on the floor, "Becca what are you doing? You need to get back in bed." Beccas face down on the floor and doesn't move at the sound of my voice. All she does is groan a small reply, "I have class."

I laugh, "It's okay Kitty, I can get you excused for you classes you miss." Becca tries to turn on her back but falls back down. Guess she's still weak . Sighing I say, "Am I going to have to carry you around? Come on, get back in bed." I gently turn her over and pick her up. Her eyes widen when she notices I'm just in a towel, "But I have... to go." She mumbles as her face flushes red." Seriously? She's still thinking about her classes. Geez, she must be a class A student. I shake my head, " Fine, let me get dressed and I'll take you to the headmistress so they don't count you against you. If you're so insistent to go."

Becca huffs but doesn't argue as I lay her back down on the bed. I grab another hoodie with shorts and head to the bathroom. My binder is already in the bathroom so I don't need to grab one. I know it's not recommended to but on your binder after a shower but I'm stubborn and careless. Guess I'm going to have to speak to the headmistress earlier then I thought though.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Becca asleep. That didn't take long. I roll my eyes and walk over to her, " Shadow come." He slithers to the front of my shelf and pops her silver wings out and flies back over to my hood. I don't know what is with him and my hood but maybe he feels safe there, "Come on Kitty. Wake up." I nudge her shoulder. Her eyes flutter but don't open. I let a low growl rumble from my throat.

I lean down and pick her up, since I'll probably have to carry her anyways, bridal style. Becca mumbles and cuddles into me, to which I smile. Opening the door wasn't to hard when Becca doesn't weigh that much. I move to cradle her to one arm to open the door with the other. Once the doors closed I move her back, even moving her around this much hasn't shaken her awake. Seems like she's a deep sleeper.

She unconsciously slings to my hoodie. Hands bunching my hoodie into her fists, trying to pull me closer. Or is it she's trying to get closer? Chuckling I walk down the stairs and out the dorm. I go undisturbed by any students that are out and about. On the way to the headmistress' office the faculty look at me weird but knows better then to say anything or approach me.

Once I reach the headmistress' office I see the assistant and pause, "Is she busy?" The assistant looks at me and shakes their head. Hah, her assistant has seen weirder things and knows me since they've been around for quite awhile. They push the office button and speaks, "Headmistress you're child is here to speak with you." I hear paper rustle on the other end, "Send her in." I wince at the pronoun. I nod to the assistant whom smiles sympathetically at me. They know all about my pronoun and name problem with the headmistress.

They get up and open the door for me, "Thanks." I slowly walk in, my body as stiff as a board. I shake Becca in my arms, "Come on Becca wake up now. "Becca groans at the shaking and slowly opens her eyes, she looks up at me, eyes half lidded, "Mmm where are we?" I set her in a chair in front of the headmistress' desk, "We're in the headmistress' office." Becca stretches but freezes when I say 'headmistress', "Babygirl, why don't you call me 'mom'?" Beccas head shoots towards me but I ignore her, "That is because you are the headmistress." I speak in a monotone voice, body still stiff, "The reason I came in here was to ask if you could excuse Kit-" I stop myself, "Beccas absences." Damnit. That's become a habit really. If she hears me call Becca that she'll think something is going on between the to of us. Her eyes narrow. Well damn guess she already is and ready to assume, "And why is that?"

I sigh, repressing the need to roll my eyes, "Because they're my fault." I feel the tension in the room skyrocket and the headmistress breaths heavy, "You better not be-" I cut her off, my annoyance and anger spiking, "NO! GOD, STOP ASSUMING!!" I look down after my outburst and clear my throat, "She got bit by Shadow and I had to take care of the bite." She hums like she doesn't believe me and Shadow comes out of my hood and loosely wraps himself around my neck and hisses at the headmistress, "If you look at her arm." I say trying to keep the anger out of my voice, "Than you'll see the bandage on it." Becca stares at me then shakes her head like she's trying to rid a thought.

"Hmm alright Amy. She just needs to fill this out." I wince and Becca looks at me confused but I shake my head at her. Willing her not to ask, but her eyes tell me that she wants to talk about this later. Great. (sense sarcasm) I nod, "Of course headmistress." I walk up and grab the papers before handing them to Becca, "Can you walk?" Becca hesitates, "I don't know. I'll try." I stand near her in case she can't. She stands slowly and wobbles a bit. I offer her my arm since it seems she can stand but not walk straight really. She smiles gratefully at me before taking my arm in a tight grip. I feel her eyes following us out.

She never did like it when I told her about how I'm genderfluid. She doesn't even want to try to understand or even listen to what I got to say. She is pretty obvious that she doesn't want me dating girls or dating at all really. She doesn't even like me hanging out with other girls. Which surprises me that she let Lorileli look after me when I was a baby. Lorileli is kinda like a mother to me since the headmistress was never really one to me. But I have dated before and I don't regret it, but I do regret what happened since it was my fault. I'll never be able to forgive myself. I'm the reason she died.....

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