Hollys POV

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All I could remember was hitting that truck and hearing Michelle yell my name. I woke up in a tube thing, then I saw Daniel who refused to leave my side. Its weird, I just met him yesterday and he already treats me like a friend. Hes really cute and sexy and I really just want to kiss him but he wouldnt kiss a 15 year old. I look over at him while he sleeps on the couch bed in my room. I go to get up but i didn't have the strength to. I grab my phone and text my dad. " Dad, Daniel stayed with me all night he is the perfect friend he must really care. I hope you have a good day at work and don't worry about me." I lay there and watch tv and out of the corner of my eye I see Daniel get up. I pretend I am sleeping and I see him write a note and walk over to me. He kissed my hand and left. I turn over and read the note " Holly, I have to go to work I hope your feeling better I will try to be by later but no promises." I put the note down as the nurse comes in to check my readings and issue me medicine." your going home tomorrow as long as everything with you goes well and you can go back to basic activity." "Thats great." She walks out of the room and i text both my parents to let them know. I lay there in bed, I couldnt get my mind off of Daniel..... His eyes, his smile, everything. I go on facebook and look him up and i found him easily. I go onto his page and see that hes in a relationship..... Tears fill my eyes, I feel lead on but at the same time i'M not. I roll over and try to calm myself down when I hear a knock on the door. I turn over and see Michelle standing at the door. " Whats wrong?" " Hes got a girl." " Holly you can't have him anyway so don't get worked up over it." " He stayed with me all night he held my hand he cares about me." She came over and sat on my bed."Holly, hes 22 and he cant date a 15 year old." Shes right, I don't want him to get introuble and he could face jail time. " Your right Michelle. Im comming home tomorrow." Thats great." We sat there and talked about random shit for about two hours then she had to leave, so now i'm alone. I lay there and wonder if he acually had feelings for me or is he just being nice. I hear a noise at the door and I look over and there he is. Tears fill my eyes as I look away so he can't catch me. He walks over and looks me in the eye. " Why are you crying munchkin?" " Nothing ok dont worry about it." He grabs my hand and I yank away. " go be with your girlfriend, I dont need you here." " ohh its about that..... Holly I like you ur a great girl but I am to old for you, I stayed cuzz I promised your dad I would." " why did you kiss my hand and cheek?" Before he could answer he comes over and kisses me. The kiss sent chills down my body. I sat there jaw dropped and frozen. " I did not just do that, Holly I'm so sorry I" I grab him and kiss him. I wanted him and i had him.

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