Hollys POV

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I grip the bed as I go to stand. Six oclock in the morning.... school. I stagger out into the living room. " Good morning Holly." " Mornin." I never talk much for the first five minuetes of me waking up. I go into the bathroom and see elmo playing in the toilet. " Cat, get out of the toilet." I pick her up and set her down. why the hell do I have a cat that loves water as much as her? I turn on the shower on and right away elno is in there playing with the water. I undress and get in. All i could think about was Daniel stepping in and his naked body pressed up against mine, his soft lips brushing against mine. I slowly started to feel chills go through me wjen i feel a pressence in the shower. I open my eyes and see Daniel standing in the shower with me. I stared at his hot sexy body as he noved closer to me. I could feel his hardness pressed againdt my stomach as he kisses me. " what are u.." " Shhh don't tell." He picks me up and kisses me intensly and " BEEP BEEP BEEP" I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I lay there. It was a dream a freaking dream. I get up and get ready for school. A dream why couldnt it be real it seemed so real. I grab my stuff and head out the door to the car. I drive to school and walk right into class. " How are you feelinh Holly?" " Fine Mrs. Boyle. I am doing alot better then when I was in the hospital." " Thats great Holly, just let me know if you have any problems." I get to doing my work since im a week behind. class ends and i walk to secound period. I notice a difference with in the school. there was less people. I went into seound period and knowone was really there. " Mr. B, Where is everyone? " There was a gun scare yesterday and I guess knowone wanted to come today" I sit down and listen to his lesson. I feal my phone vibrate and i see that Daniel has texted me. I couldnt answer it because the bell rang and I go down to my JROTC class and i notice that Daniel was in the room. I take out my phone and the text had read " I am here to watch over you to make sure your ok." I walk into the class room and stand at attention. I notice my commander talking to Daniel. Seriously? He is like going to be on my ass now. I try to ignore him as he sits and stares at me. I finally get up and walk over to him. " Why are you here?" " I came to make sure you were ok your dad said I could get you out early if I wanted to." " Daniel I am fine. You should go be with your girl not me." He gets up and leaves and I go sit down. I knew he was mad at me and I honestly didnt care at this point he wants to be a friend but he calls me and hangs with me and I feel he is leading me on. The classroom phone rings and my commander calls me to the front. " Holly your to go to the office for early dismissal." I grab my stuff and head to the office. I look at Daniel with such a pissed look yet my heart was pounding knowing I would get to hang with him again.

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