How he asks you out

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Freddie wouldn't be nervous at all. He wasn't afraid to take initiative and was pretty quick with asking you out. You had only known him for two weeks, but you had formed a strong bond with him. One night, when you were watching Smile again, he ordered a drink for you, which you gladly accepted. As you took your first sip, Freddie bluntly asked you to go out with him. You immediately spit out the drink as Freddie burst out laughing. You of course said yes, I mean....duhhh.


You had known Brian for three weeks and he convinced you to watch one of his shows. As Smile exited the stage, Brian walked towards you and asked you what you thought of the show. You of course, said it was amazing and hugged him. He froze at the spot, but eventually hugged you back. After you broke the hug, he looked in your eyes and asked you if you would like to go out for dinner with him the next day. You didn't hesitate and happily nodded you head.


You were making dinner for you, Brian and Roger. Brian has invited Roger to stay over for dinner, so that they could prepare for their gig the same night. As Brian left to get his guitar upstairs, Roger walked towards you and stole one of the breads you were baking. You chased him around the house for a while, until you finally got the ability to jump on his back and grab the bread from his hands. He laughed as he put you down on the ground. He then grabbed your hands, making the bread fall to your feet, while sincerely looking into your eyes. You turned bright red as he smiled at you. He slowly asked you if you would like to go out with him some time. You replied with a happy yes and wrapped him in a hug.


He was very shy at first and didn't want to tell you face to face, because he was afraid of rejection. He eventually tucked a letter in your sketchbook as you two left the park. You loved to draw and often came to the park. John would accompany you most of the times, which resulted in funny conversations. When you came home, you noticed the letter in your sketchbook. You immediately called John and told him you would love to go to a restaurant that week.

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