He catches you wearing his clothes

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You were wearing one of Freddie's flashy jackets as you ran around the living room, singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody. You jumped onto the table and burst into a crazy air-guitar solo. From the doorstep you heard little laughs. You stopped and walked closer, seeing Freddie standing there, his shoes still on. He probably just came home.

"So this is what you do when I'm not here"

"The cats made me do it!"

He laughed and kissed your forehead

"You're so adorable, darling"


Brian was showering as you were changing into your pajamas. Only problem.....you were out of pajamas. All of them were still soaking wet from the laundry. And with all of them I mean like three pair. You sighed and looked into the closet, spotting one of Brian's Queen shirts. You didn't hesitate and immediately grabbed it and put it on. The shirt was so tall, it came just above your knees.

"How can someone this small, be so adorable in my clothes?"

You turned around and saw Brian in his pajamas, hair still half wet.

"You're just tall"

You said as you walked towards him and wrapped your arms around him.


"Look at me. I'm Rogah Taylor. I'm in love with my car"

I said in my worst British accent as Freddie burst out laughing. They were recording a new song and John, Brian and Roger were currently in the studio. I was wearing one of Roger's furry coats and a pair of sunglasses.

"That's a terrible accent. Do another one!"

Freddie said as I messed my hair up a little.

"Okay okay, how about this one."

You coughed a little and started screaming at the top of your lungs. Freddie covered his ears while laughing at me.

"So? What did you think of my falsettos?"

As soon as I said that, Freddie fell to the ground laughing.

"What's going on?"

Roger said as he rushed in.

"I was practicing one of your falsettos. What do you think of my new clothes?"

I said as I did a pose. Roger rolled his eyes and walked towards me.

"I think they look good, but I would like them better off"

He said with a smirk.

"Oh come on Roger. We have a Deaky in here"

Freddie said as he smacked his arm and walked into the studio.


It was a late Friday night and John was still in the studio with the rest. You were reading a book on the couch, but got cold eventually. You were only wearing a t-shirt and the blankets still had to be washed. You looked around the room, until you found a sweater of John. Without any hesitation you walked towards it and put it over your t-shirt. You jumped back onto the couch and continued reading, only to fall asleep ten minutes later. After a while, John finally came home and noticed that you fell asleep waiting for him. He noticed you were wearing his shirt and his heart basically melted at the sight. He placed a kiss on your forehead, scooped you up and brought you to the bedroom. A few minutes later, he fell asleep next to you.

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