When he gets seriously injured

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He once fell off a table real bad when he was drunk. You were drunk at that time too, so you burst out laughing. It wasn't so fun when Mary had to drive both of you to the hospital, just to find out that Freddie broke his left ankle and sprained a few muscles in his left leg.


Carina was playing on the street once, when she didn't hear a bicycle coming near at full speed. Brian acted immediately and jumped in front of her, hugging her close, his back to the bike. The bike hit Brian and his foot got stuck in the spokes of the front wheel. You drove him to the hospital quick after, while the biker handed you some money in case he broke something and apologized repeatedly. You later found out he sprained his ankle and broke two ribs.

(I stole this from a book. I'm so sorry, but I'm running outta ideas)

He called you at eight PM. You could hear his sobs and immediately drove to the location he told you to go. You found him sitting on the ground, next to a phone booth. He had blood above his right eyebrow and there was blood dripping out of his nose. His face had bruises and he looked ik pretty bad shape. You abruptly ran out of the car and helped him in. He got beaten up by a few guys at the pub and managed to escape. He luckily didn't break anything. He did give you a huge heart attack.


John is pretty careful, but the most serious injury was probably when he was drunk. He decided that it was a smart idea to punch through glass. His entire arm was full of glass shards and blood. You rolled your eyes, but panicked slightly. You helped him get the glass shards out as you wrapped his arm in a towel and drives him to a hospital. It was nothing too serious, he just needed a few stitches and advice to drink less.

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