What you're insecure about

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This is just a chapter, don't take it too serious. I'm 100% sure all of you are fucking beautiful and don't you ever even dare to doubt yourself, because I will find you and tolerate the shit out of you❤️


About the shape of your face. Freddie thinks every inch of you is perfect and that you should never doubt your beauty.


About your curves. Brian thinks your curves makes you perfect and even wrote a song about it to prove you how much he loves you.


Your stomach. Roger doesn't agree at all. Whenever you would tell him that, he would lift your shirt half up and blow raspberries on your stomach.


About your voice. Whenever you would hear your voice on tape, you would hate it. John hated that idea, so he once hid a letter under your pillow, telling you how beautiful you are and how beautiful your voice is.

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