His proposal

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He proposed when you had family dinner with both his and your parents. Once he got down on one knee, your mother started screaming and hugging Fred's mom. Both of your fathers looked proud at him, while Kash was already in tears.


He proposed to you in the studio. It was actually supposed to be a few days later, when you and Brian would go to Italy together, but he couldn't wait anymore. John and Roger were running around like little children and Freddie couldn't stop congratulating the two of you.


He proposed to you by using a drum set. He told you to play it as hard as you could, which resulted in you breaking a plate. Underneath that plate was a paper which told you to turn around. Once you did, you saw Roger on one knee in front of you. Of course, you couldn't reject him.


You went to an amusement park with the band. The five of you went. in a rollercoaster and just as the photo on the rollercoaster got taken, the boys held up paper signs.

 in a rollercoaster and just as the photo on the rollercoaster got taken, the boys held up paper signs

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(Except that if your name isn't Lindsay, your name stands there instead)

When you went to check out the pictures and saw your photo, you couldn't stop crying. You wanted to hug John, but he was already on one knee in front of you.

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