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You have little arguments, but if you fight about something, it's about his attitude. You hate it when he thinks he's above everyone else, even though you like to think of him like that. He should see himself equal to everyone and has to diva less and flirt less to men and women. You won't admit it, but it makes you jealous as can be.


You almost never fight. But if you do, it's about stupid things, like a pen or the last cookie. You make up pretty quick and end up cuddling on the couch not much later.


You will get in an argument once in a while, but never a serious one. You usually fight about who gets to have his furry coat for the day or who drives the car. You mostly win the arguments, believe it or not.


You've only gotten in an serious argument once. He gave you a silent treatment the whole day long, but before you fell asleep, you could feel John cuddling up to you and snoring a little not long after.

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