First kiss

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Believe it or not, but you were the first to make a move on him. You were in the library, reading a book you saw somewhere on a table, when you noticed Freddie sitting in the corner of the hall. You smiled and walked towards him. As you walked closer, you noticed he was writing something down. Freddie never let you read one off his songs, so you figured this was the perfect moment. You ran towards him and grabbed the notebook out of his hands. Before he could react, you read the first few sentences

"When I grow older, I will be there at your side to remind you how I still love you"

Before I could read further, Freddie had already taken away the notebook

"They're just some scrabbles. I don't know if I wanna use them someday"

I smiled at him as I saw him blush a little as he stared at his shoes

"Well I think it's beautiful"

"You do?"

I nodded happily. He looked up and smiled at me

"It's actually about you"

I blushed a little and without thinking, I walked towards him and kissed him on his lips. I have never kissed Freddie, I mean, he would give me kissed on my cheek or forehead sometimes, but we never actually kissed. When I pulled back he looked at me with a huge smile.

"I should definitely use them in a song someday"


Brian and you were in a bar, having something to drink. You tried walking past everyone to get to Brian. When you were almost next to him, someone pushed you towards him. Being the clumsy self you were, you stumbled over your feet and fell right in Brian's arms. He helped you on your feet and looked down at you. You smiled up at him.

"Thanks, Bri"

"No problem"

You looked in each other's eyes for a while, until Brian sighed

"Screw it"


But you were interrupted by Brian's lips meeting yours. You were shocked at first, but eventually kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you close to him. When you pulled away, he looked at you happily.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that"


"Don't tap it. It won't break that easy. You can just slam them onto the drums"

You were sitting behind the drums as Roger tried teaching you a verse.

"I'm not afraid that I will break the sticks, I'm afraid I'll break the plates"

"You won't. I promise. And I don't think you'll hit it that hard"

"Excuse me, mister Taylor?"

He laughed.

"Now play it again, but don't tap the plates. Just hit it"

I smiled up at him and focused back on the drums.

"I got this"

I mumbled to myself.

"Wait. You're missing an important thing"

Roger said, stopping my hand mid-air.



He said before crashing his lips into mine. I was in a state of shock and wasn't in the right condition to kiss back. As he pulled back, I sunk into my seat, letting the drum sticks fall to the ground.

"Now I'll never be able to focus"

I said as Roger snickered behind me.


You and John had another date, your third one actually. As you ordered your dinner, you could feel John's gaze on you. You smiled a little, but continued talking to the waiter.

"What would you like to eat, sir?"

John snapped out of his daze

"Ehhh, the same as the lady"

The waiter nodded and walked off.

"You didn't have to stare at me the entire time"

He turned bright right and looked at his glass

"Don't worry. It's okay"

I grabbed the last piece of bread and I could see the disappointment on John's face. I smiled, getting a great idea all of the sudden.

"You want it?"

He nodded a little. I leaned over the table and held the bread in front of his eyes. Every time he came closer to the bread, I would pull it towards my face. We were now both leaning on the table. I saw my chance and pulled the bread away. John looked at me in confusion, before I leaned over to his face and kissed him gently on the lips. I could feel John stiffen, but he eventually kissed back. When we pulled back, his face was bright red and his mouth was open from the shock.

"Here. You've earned it"

I said as I stuffed his mouth with the small bread.

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