Live aid

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You and your children were watching from behind the stage with Mary, David and Jim (I love Jim to much to let him out, so he's just hurts me so much to say this). You watched in adoration as your children sang along to every word. Freddie would occasionally look at you and give a little wave to his children. After the show, they all ran into Freddie's arms as he told them that he hurt them sing along to every line, making you smile happily.


You were watching backstage with your daughter Carina, as you watched the boys in awe. By the time they finished their last song, they all walked forward. Just then, Carina let go off your hand and ran on stage. You quickly ran after her, but she had already appeared in sight of everyone. She ran towards Brian and wrapped her small arms around his legs (she was four at that time). The public awed as Brian handed Roger his guitar and picked up Carina. He noticed you and motioned you to come on stage too. You hesitated, but Freddie has already grabbed your hand and dragged you towards Brian. The whole crowd erupted in louder cheers as you smiled at the boys proudly.


You were watching from home, since you were high pregnant from your youngest daughter. You and the rest of your children were watching live aid proudly as all of you sang along to every song, your eldest son occasionally drumming along, making you laugh. As the boys finished their last song, Roger took the mic from Freddie and told you that he loved you and the kids and that he couldn't wait to get back home, making the entire crowd cheer.


You were pregnant by the time that live aid was, but not long enough to not be able to join the boys. You were proudly watching backstage as John danced a little and Freddie was.....being Freddie. At the end, John motioned you to walk towards him. You shook your head, but he didn't take no as an answer. He ran off stage, just to scoop you up and carry you towards the boys. He set you down in the middle of them as the crowd cheered loudly. Just got very shy and desperately reached for John's hand. He smiled and gladly accepted it.

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