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"Gravity Falls, Oregon. What a wonderful world, don't you think, brother?" the odd silhouette spoke, barely heard by his companion because of the ruckus.

"It's wonderful if you ignore the giant cross in the sky, the bald women, the floating eyeballs and those people protesting on the sidewalk." the silhouette's brother answered sarcastically.

"Cheer up a bit, why don't ya? We just have to find Bill and do as we're told. Got it?" the other silhouette snapped. "We'll be home before you know it."

The two walked straight ahead, observing the havoc unfold before their eyes.

"Man, this is going to be a hard task."

Wind howled at Bill as he walked along the pitch black woods. Searching. It was never easy. The Beast was a creature as dark as the forest and could easily hide in the trees, or so the demon remembered.

Dipper had decided to look for his sister back in Gravity Falls, since she had mysteriously disappeared. 'What an idiot, he could've been smart and followed me. Well, all the better for me!'

He searched. Again, he searched. Yet those white eyes never appeared. Suddenly, footsteps echoed around the forest. They seemed rushed. As suddenly as they started, they stopped.

"Whoever's here, leave." a sharp, monotone voice said in the distance.

Bill smirked. Of course, this person didn't know what was going on with Bill. "How 'bout you come over first? Or are you too chicken?"

The footsteps went on again, seeming nearer and nearer to Bill. A bit surprised, Bill took a huge step backwards.

"I'm warning you." the dark voice went again.

Out of the blue, Bill felt like he couldn't move. He was definitely trapped in place. A small tree branch began twisting around his leg, making him growl.

"Whoever's doing this, you don't know who you're dealing with." Bill snapped.

A light appeared in front of him, almost blinding his eyes, which were not used to light at this point.

The light showed a pale face and glowing eyes that glared at Bill.

"You don't know who you're dealing with either, kid."

Within those eyes, Bill noticed something familiar that he couldn't really point out. "And who do I have the displeasure to meet?"

"Sorry, but I won't give my information unless I know your name."

Bill scowled. "Fine. It's Bill Cipher, mister up-close-and-personal. Now tell me who you are." He replied, his torso now encased in edelwood.

"I am Wirt. I also go by the Beast and the Lantern Bearer. But I would still like to be called my normal name." Bill flinched for a second.

"Beast... so you're the one I've been looking for! How come you look so different?"

"That is absolutely none of your business."

"Alright, alright, but I need your help. I might have a bit of a problem back home. I saw someone following me and-"

Wirt grimaced, shoving a lantern into Bill's face. "Give me a reason to help you first."

Laughter. He could've sworn he heard quiet laughter. The closer the lantern was, the louder the laughter was. Curious, Bill snatched the lantern, instantly making Wirt growl.

Hardly ignoring the yelling, Bill could've sworn he saw a young boy dance around in the lantern. "What the... hey, what's going on with your lantern?"

Swiftly and agressively, the lantern was snatched away from Bill. "I told you that my life story is none of your business, Bill." A miniature fire of anger burned in Wirt's eyes, yet he still looked calm from outside.

Something definitely wasn't right about the new Beast. "You know, I can do you anything if you help me with my little problem." This made Wirt stare at his lantern, then back at Bill.

"Fine. I'll help you. And I'll tell you what you'll do for me- later."

The two trudged on, giving each other glares of mutual disrespect.

"Where are we headed to, wise guy?" Wirt asked.


"Is that where your problem is?"

"No, we're just picking up another passenger on a ride to craziness."

"And now I'm concerned..."

♠️Worst of Friends♠️ (♠️♥️UNDER REWRITE♣️♦️)Where stories live. Discover now