The next two weeks had passed by without any problems and the only thing that seemed to build was my attraction to Jungkook. And maybe I was imagining it, but I swore it was reciprocated because some days the sexual tension in the room was unbearable.
Jungkook had stepped out of the room to take a phone call, it seemed serious. I could hear the angry whispers from inside. I wanted to give him privacy but I really had to ask him about the business dinner tonight.
So I put on my big girl pants and walked into the hallway.
"Hey Jungkook?"
A muffled, obviously anger voice blasted from the phone.
- Who the fuck is that? Are you fucking kidding me Jungkook?
Jungkook, obviously exasperated, motioned for me to wait a minute and turned away.
"Yujin, that is no one and even if it was it wouldn't matter because we're not together."
More muffled anger was heard, but I couldn't hear the rest of what was said.
"Okay yeah yeah. I'm hanging up now Yujin."
With that Jungkook slammed his fist against the wall and muttered something I couldn't hear.
Genuinely concerned, I asked, "Jungkook, are you okay?"
He weakly smirked at me.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just the past won't let go, you
know?""Yeah, I totally understand that."
He smiled at me again and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Okay business time." He said this more to himself.
"What did you need?""I'm just wondering about the dinner tonight, is there any dress code I should follow?"
"Well, it's formal. SoI guess whatever you feel
fancy in... I don't see that being hard for you. You always seem to dress nice."I was blushing. I didn't even need to look to know. He notices what I wear, that must mean
something."I-uh-um- Thank you?"
He chuckled and took steps toward me. If I wasn't blushing before I was definitely blushing now, we were so close I could smell his intoxicating cologne and I swear to god my knees shook.
"You're sexy when you're flustered." As he said this his eyes eyed my lips and he licked his own and then walked away like nothing happened. Little did he know I wanted him to come closer.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"What the hell." That has to mean something.
After the incident at work, I gave him some pathetic excuse and quickly took the bus home to take a cold shower. All the way home and in the shower, I couldn't get him out of my mind and how close he was or how close I was to kissing him.
I had no idea how I was going to make it through
the dinner tonight.After my shower, I straightened my hair and painted my nails. I've had this nude dress in my closet for months just waiting for some place special to wear it to, I guess this was as special as any. I put it on with clear nude heels and admired myself in the mirror. It had been a while since i've tried it on so I didn't really like how it looked on me.
I applied light makeup , but enough to make me stand out. Not like I wanted anyone to notice me or anything.
Right when I was about to walk out, Taehyung walked in and gawked at me.

Fiksi Penggemar"So i'll just give you a rundown of what your job is going to be here. So I know you signed up for secretary, but you'll be more like Jungkook's personal assistant.."