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The next few weeks passed painstakingly slow.
After I explained what happened with Jungkook to Taehyung, I promised I would put it behind me and move on. I had to stay professional, no matter how much I missed him.

The emails Jungkook would send me were always plainly worded. A good morning or good afternoon and the work I needed to do for that day. I'm not gonna lie, it stung. Reading the emails would always make me think about when I worked with him in person. We were always trading stories, I didn't realize it but in that short time we had grown so close, but now it's like none of that even happened.

I shook my head. This is not what I needed to be doing, I needed to focus. All work and no play may have made me a dull girl, but it sure as hell didn't leave me thinking about Jungkook.

The rest of the day passed quickly and without much happening. Taehyung was at practice so I was at the apartment by myself till late evening.

"Honey, I'm home!" Taehyung let himself into the apartment annoyingly as usual. I lazily lifted my head to greet him.


He paused and looked at me, then at the desk I was working at, then me again. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it quickly. When he finally spoke, his words were slow.


"Taehyung?" I replied back, honestly confused by his apparent confusion.

"Have you been sitting in that same spot the whole day?"

"Um, yeah. I guess."

Now that I thought about it I realized I hadn't gotten out of my spot since I sat in it. I don't even remember eating lunch or breakfast for that matter.

"Have you even eaten?" He asked me bewildered.

I smiled sheepishly at him. "I ate a banana at 12 am in the morning. Does that count?"

He have me an annoyed smile, walked towards me, and closed my laptop.

"Hey! I wasn't done!"

"Well, you're done now. You look like a zombie, Jihyeon. A really, really dead zombie. Work time is done and now we're going out."

I stared at him in shock. I wasn't gonna lie, a dominant Taehyung was a sexy one. I shook the thought away and zoned back into him.

"- Are you even listening to me?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Not really, sorry."

"Ughhh." He groaned, "I said, while I whip you up something to eat real quick before we go out, you're going to get up, shower, and make yourself look.. presentable." He paused. "Now GO!"

I scrambled out of the chair and wobbled to the bathroom. My legs felt weirdly weak, probably from sitting all day. When I was in the bathroom, I gave myself a long look in the mirror. Damn, I really did look like a zombie and as Taehyung put it a really, really dead zombie.

I started the shower and began to strip my clothes. The hot water spilling over my body felt amazing and I could practically feel the stress rolling off me, as well as the water.

Whether I admitted it or not, Jungkook had been on my mind, but for tonight, at least, I would forget about him.


After a 30 minute shower, Tae was yelling at me to get out so he could shower. 45 minutes of outfits and make-up and then Tae yelling at me to hurry up and be done already. I was finally standing at the door looking "presentable" with a vinyl red mini-skirt and a black lace bralette.

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