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I was up before Taehyung today because I knew if I told him what I was going to do today, he would
talk me out of it. Also, things between Tae and I have been... weird lately and I don't want to get into any of that until I figure out what is happening between Jungkook and I.

I put on a comfy sweater and leggings and threw my hair into a quick bun. I left a note for Taehyung,
who was sound asleep, before slipping out of the door.

The brisk air that hit me was very welcomed, every hair on me was on edge and I had to hold my hand to keep it from shaking. I waited a week before going to Jungkook's because I needed to figure out what I was going to say and what I wanted. Even though it was our first fight, I felt like I was on a ledge and Jungkook and I were about to fall off. So terrified of losing each other that we would ignore the problems that were rising.

Like my incapability to fully trust him and his fear of letting himself and his feelings go with me. I knew that I wanted to be with him, but I didn't want us to crash and burn. Which is what would eventually happen, we were too blindly in love with each other. If Jungkook feels for me as much as I feel for him then we could work this out.


I've been avoiding the 'what if's' because I can't imagine it ending like this with him. Try to imagine breathing without oxygen. It doesn't make sense.

I was shaken from my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. The bus was here. A friendly man beside me asked if I was getting on.

I nodded and got on the bus, finding a seat in the back. The day was gloomy and seemed rather foreboding. My mom always told me that whenever you're feeling and overwhelming amount of emotions, It was best to write them down. So I pulled out my notepad and penned an open letter to Jungkook while the city passed me by.


the next chapter is gonna be short too sorryyyy

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