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I was just running. I fell, but stood up and started sprinting up the stairs again. They were everywhere, and I couldn't see- they just attacked. They kept screaming at me, taunting me. One grabbed me and started the hit me repeatedly, over, and over, and over again. They wouldn't stop. I grabbed onto my head and clutched it. I screamed, but no one came to help. I kept screaming, but I never heard it. I just heard them laughing at me. I got dizzy, everything started to blur together. The lights flashed in my eyes, and everything went black. They yelled in my ear, calling me unspeakable names, hitting me, kicking me, torturing me. They wouldn't stop. I tried to fight them, I hit back, but they just pushed me down. Suddenly they disappeared. I was alone. No one was home. It was all in my mind. It was my mind. It wasn't people. It was demons. The demons I created myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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