​Chapter 2: Nine Years Later

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Chapter 2: Nine Years Later

The sound of a series of heavy knocking on the cupboard door causing Serena Potter to jump up right, hitting her head on the low ceiling. “Ow” she said as she sat down next to her brother.

“Get up! Now!” Aunt Petunia yelled, hitting the door with more heavy knocks, causing Serena’s brother, Harry Potter, to jump up from the bed. “Good Morning” Harry said to his twin sister, who was rubbing her head. “Morning” She said as Harry put his glasses on.

Suddenly there was a loud thumping sound coming from someone on the stairs. “Wake up cousins! We’re going to the zoo!” their cousin, Dudley said as he jumped up and down on the stairs.

Serena sighed as she started to follow her brother out of the cupboard. She could hear Dudley laughing as he pushed Harry back into the cupboard, causing Harry to slam into Serena.

“Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy” Harry and Serena heard their aunt say as they walked into the kitchen. “Happy Birthday son” Uncle Vernon said. “Why don’t you two just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything” Aunt Petunia said. “Yes Aunt Petunia” the twins reasoned as Harry started to cook on the stove and Serena started to make the coffee.

“I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley’s special day!” Aunt Petunia said as she covered Dudley’s eyes and moved him towards his presents.

“Hurry up! Bring my coffee girl!” Uncle Vernon said as Harry up food on Uncle Vernon’s plate. “Yes Uncle Vernon” Serena said bring him a hot cup of coffee.

“How many are there?” Dudley asked as he looked around at all of the presents. “36, counted them myself” Uncle Vernon said. “36. BUT LAST YEAR I HAD 37!” Dudley screamed at his father.  “But some of them are bigger than last year’s” Uncle Vernon said trying to calm his son down. “I DON’T CARE HOW BIG THEY ARE” Dudley screamed. “This is what we’re going to do. When we go out, we’re going to buy you two new presents. How’s that, pumpkin?” Aunt Petunia said. “Then I’ll have…have…” Dudley said thinking of the number. “Thirty-eight” Serena said quietly from her spot next to her brother. “QUIET!” Uncle Vernon yelled at her as the telephone ringed form the other room.

Aunt Petunia got up and went to answer the phone. Harry and Serena could hear her speaking fast and softly into the phone. When she came back, she had a worried look on her face. “Bad news Vernon” Aunt Petunia said ignoring Harry and Serena. “Mrs. Figg can’t take them” She said jerking her head towards the twins, who looked excited.

After going through any other options, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon couldn’t find anyone for Serena and Harry to stay with. So they are forced to take the twins with them to the zoo.


Aunt Petunia and Dudley both got into the car as they waited for the twins and Uncle Vernon. Right before the twins could get into the car, Uncle Vernon pulled them aside. "I'm warning you two now," He said furiously as he held onto their shoulders in an iron grip.  "Any funny business, any at all and you two won't have any meals for a week." Both Senear and Harry nodded.  "Get in," He said as he shoved them towards the car, ending their little pep talk.  

*At the Zoo*

At the Zoo, the first place Dudley wanted to visit was the Reptile House.  Once they were there, Dudley had no problem finding the biggest snake in the entire place.  

"Make it move," Dudley wined as Uncle Vernon tapped loudly on the glass.  The snake didn't move a muscle.  "Move." said Uncle Vernon.  "Move!" Repeated Dudley, impatiently.  "He’s a sleep," Harry said as Serena stood next to him nodding her head. "He boring," Dudley said as he waddled off to go and started a look at some turtles where Aunt Petunia and his friend was standing with Uncle Vernon following.  

The twins approached the glass now that their Uncle and Cousin weren't there, hogging all the space.  "Sorry about them, they don't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you," Serena said softly.  For a moment Harry was about to tell his sister that she was insane for talking to the snake because he couldn't answer them but to the twins' astonishment, the snake opened one eye and raised itself off the ground, staring straight at them.  

"Can you hear us?" Harry asked in amazement. The snake nodded its head and slithered up to the glass.  "It's just we're never talked to a snake before," Harry said awkwardly.  "Do you...Do you talk to people often?" Serena asked the snake. The snake shook its head sadly.  

"You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family?" Harry asked but the snake only gestures towards platinum beside the twin’s side of the glass.  It read: “Boa Constrictor, Brazil.  Born in captivity”. "I see," Serena said softly, feeling slightly sorry for the snake.  It must have been horrible to grow up behind glass, having people come to look at you every day.  

"That's us as well," Harry finished her sentence.  "That's us as well.  We never knew our parents either." Serena opened up her mouth to say something else but Dudley interrupted her.  "Mummy, Dad, come here!" He shouted, running towards them.  "You wont' believe what this snake is doing!" He shoved Harry and Serena to the side causing them to fall onto the ground.  Serena let out a small yelp as the concrete floor scraped her knees.  Anger began to boil up inside of her like boiling water.  

"Ahhhhh!" Serena couldn't believe her eyes as Dudley suddenly fell inside the snake habitat.  The glass had just....vanished! The twins stared as the snake slithered out of his habitat which Dudley was struggling to stand in and was sliding past them.  "Thankssssss" The snake hissed.  "Anytime," Harry breathed as Serena was so astounded to speak at all.  "Snake! Ahh!" People were screaming all around the Reptile House as the snake slithered towards the door.  

The twins turned their attention back to the snake habitat, Dudley had finally gotten to his feet and was about to step out of the habitat when the glass suddenly appeared once more, trapping him inside.  Serena giggled while Harry smiled wide, trying not to laugh.  

"Mum! Mummy! Help me!" Dudley howled, his words slightly muffled through the glass.  

"My Darling boy!" Aunt Petunia panicked, slamming the palms of her hand against the glass.  "How did you get in there? Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?" Aunt Petunia was frantic with fear while Uncle Vernon loomed over Serena and Harry who were still sitting on the floor; as soon as they saw their Uncle's expression, their smiles faded from their faces. 

* 4 Privet Drive *

"Its all right sweetheart," Aunt Petunia said as they rushed into the house.  Dudley was wrapped up in a baby blue towel.  He was still soaking wet and he looked like he was going to catch a cold. As soon as the door shut, Uncle Vernon turned on the twins.  "What happened?" He demanded furiously, giving Harry and Serena a hard glare.

"We swear, we don't know!" Serena protested and Uncle Vernon's expression seemed to become even more furious.  "One moment the glass was there then it was gone," Harry added desperately.  "It was like magic!" The twins said in unison.  In response, Uncle Vernon took hold of the twins' collars of their several-sizes-too-large shirts and began to drag them towards their cupboard under the stairs.  

He pushed them roughly inside.  Harry fell onto his bed and Serena tripped over her brother's legs and fell onto hers.  Uncle Vernon slammed the door shut and spoke through the vent on the door, "There's no such thing as magic," Then slid it firmly shut.

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