Chapter 8 - Kidnapped

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Tony's POV

My head was pounding once I got home. It felt like someone hammering on it over and over and over again and won't stop. I went downstairs to my lab and slowly sat down, taking out a bottle of scotch and a shot glass, pouring some in the glass and drinking it . Maybe just 1 drink could make my head feel better I thought. I took a another drink. I waited a few minutes before taking another one and another one and another. I did started feeling better but found myself drunk and realizing it was 2 am in the morning. I decided to go bed. But I couldn't.

"Jarvisssss" I said with a sur. I grabbed on to my chair near my desk for balance. "Call.. mmmm"

"Who do you want me to call sir?" Jarvis asked. "You know I can do anything but read your mind."

There was a loud "BANG" upstairs in my room. It alarmed me.

"What... what was that?" I got up to my feet fast but the world was still spinning.

"There seems to be a break in." Jarvis said. "I s-s-shall call t-the---" The lights went out.

"Jarvis?" I looked around. It was pitch black. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw 5 missed calls from Pepper. "Shit! Oh lord..." I used the phone as a flashlight and slowly made my way upstairs. It was still dark outside which made it worst. I had made it up the stairs from my lab and looked around. There was no one there. I sighed and started making my way up the stairs to the bedrooms; my room, 2 guest rooms and a huge bathroom. I looked in the first guest room where there was only a bed inside. I looked into the 2nd guest room which was the same as the 1st guest room but had a closet. I went down the hall way to my room, the biggest room. I opened the door slowly and saw the bathroom light (in my room) on. I peeked inside slowly seeing 2 men. I hold my breath and turned around. I put myself against the wall the started call 911.

"9-1-" Out of nowhere came a fist.


Pepper's POV

Im calling him for the 15th time. Ugh. I slammed my phone down on my desk. I started breathing hard. He should have answered the phone. Should I call the cops? I started pacing. My throat started to close up as I couldn't breathe from the tears coming down my face. I fell on my knees covering my face with my hands. I don't know if he's okay... I turned to the clock 5 am. I slowly looked my key cars. I can just go and check on him. Call in sick for work and just check on him. Thats all. I agreed to myself and got up taking a jacket and my keys. I walked out, locking the door behind me. I raced to the car and drove down to Tony's house. Once I was there, the sun started coming up. I closed the door and went up the door.

I knocked.

No answer

I rang the doorbell

No answer

"Hey Tony?" I pressed on the door handle and it opened the door. It was unlocked.

"Tony?" I took a look around. His house was huge. I kept talking down till I heard a crack. I looked down and saw broken glass. I started getting a 1,000 ideas in my mind and all of them related to "Someone broken into his house".

"Tony!?" I yelled a little louder. I started up the stairs and ended up in a long hall way. At the end of the hall way seemed to look like his room. I sighed and slowly got my phone out in case if I needed to call the cops right away. I looked down and saw a trail of blood leading from Tony's room to downstairs. It wasn't a lot but it was a long trail. I raced to Tony's room and looked around. It was trashed. I looked around and found his phone on the ground. He was typing something and didn't finish.

"9-1--waefibuaweu" I started realizing that Tony was gone. But the cops can get him back right. Right?! I fell on my knees crying.

"TONYYYYY" I quickly punched in the numbers 9-1-1."

"Hello. Whats your emergency?" asked a woman on the phone.

"M-My friend... H-he's missing..." I said trying the take a deep breathe but wasn't helping.

"Okay whats your friends name? I have pin pointed where you are and backup it on the way."

"H-his... name?" I asked.

"Yes, whats his name?" the lady asked.

"T-Tony... Tony Stark."

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