Chapter 16 - Visiting

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Pepper: With people thinking that Iron Man was dead, you in the hospital and half of the Stark Industries building gone... I was on the edge of my seat....

Pepper's POV
Last Night

24 hours at the company, trying to fix and pay for half of the building destroyed...

24 hours by my computer having the explain about Iron Man and if there is a connection with Tony and Iron Man...

And 24 hours by my dying boyfriends side.

I decided I couldn't do this anymore.

I finally got home from the hospital once again checking up on Tony. I set my bag down on the couch and went straight to my computer like every day. I opened up the computer and went online.

No Internet Connection

"Ugh!!" I groaned "Jarvis?! What's going on with the wifi?" I let my head fall to my hands trying to rub away the headache that I've gotten from yelling at the designs with the building. I remembered that Jarvis was talking and realized I missed ever word that Jarvis said about the wifi. "Thank You Jarvis..." I sighed and got up.

"Miss Potts, You are stressed.." Jarvis told me something I already know.

"Yeah..." I walked over to the mini bar near the kitchen. I grabbed one of Tony's famous and most precious scotch. I grabbed a small shot glass and poured some in. "I have never really try this... Tony keeps begging me too..." I said with laughter.

"Miss. Potts... I don't really think---" I cut Jarvis off.

"Just one drink... Okay??" I asked and nodded.

"Miss. Potts..." I heard Jarvis say but it was already too late...

"UGH! Pah..." I put the empty glass down and sighed. It was okay.... Maybe... 1 more? I thought... Yeah... what's the worst it can do?

Next Morning

"Ughhhh" I groaned waking up... My head was pounding. Never before its pound like this. My vision was hazy as I stood up and almost tumbled over. I was drunk. I was drunk for the first time. I shook my head and looked at the clock. 10:24am. Shit! I was late for work.. Oh my god I late!!!! I quickly ran into the bathroom and freshing up. I grabbed my purse and keys and ran out of the house.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god...." I thought driving to the office. "Jarvis, what the hell happened?!" I asked him in the car.

"You drank... A lot Miss Potts. You passed out at the bar. Then in 1 in the morning you went to bed" Jarvis reported.

"Shit.. Shit shit shit shit..." I said to myself. I drove into the parking lot and quickly walked in.

"Miss. Pepper Potts! You are late! 1 hour late! Never in a life time I heard!" Yelled one of the supervisors.

"I know I know... And I'm sorry... Just a long night.." I said in a rush. I had a meeting with the designer of the building to help me out. I walked into my office. The designer was waiting patiently but was pissed off. There was a folder on the table with the designs of the other half of the building. He closed it shut.

"I can't waste my time with you if your not going to show up" he said walked up to me. "Next time..." He said and walked out. Great. I thought. The last person I could count on walked out about this building. He closed the door behind him. I set my bag down on my chair and pushed everything off my desk.

"Fuck!!!" I yelled but hopefully no one heard. I collapsed on the ground and started crying. I couldn't do it anymore I thought to myself. I can't... I went to the one person that can understand what I was going though. Tony.

I got up and grabbed my bag. I opened the door and found some of the workers there staring out from their offices or waiting near my door. I took a lot around and walked out with talking to anyone. I walked over to the parking lot and got into my car, driving off to the hospital.

Once I got to the hospital, I went straight to the room 1789, Tony's Room. I knocked first to make sure the doctors weren't doing their thing and opened the door. I sat down next to him like every day to talk about my day and what I'm going though. It's been 4 months and the doctors said there's been no difference. He not getting worst but he's not getting any better either. He's been in a coma. A serious one. The doctors can't do anything. No one can. I sat there setting my bag down on the ground.

"Hey hon... I... I um... Lost the designer for the building. I'm so sorry..." I said choking on my words. "I... I got to... Um.. Work late..." I said tears running down. "Something... " I laughed slightly "something.. You've always wanted...." Seeing Tony like this everyday... It's been hurting me. His arc reactor was barely shinning. My heart, broken without the love of my life by my side. I don't blame Tony for this... No... I knew he was going to come up with something like this one day. I softly put my head on his chest. I was listening to his heartbeat. It was slower than before. Before I could speak anymore, a nurse came in with another IV bag.

"Oh! Miss Potts.. I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were here. You normally come around at 5pm... I was just here to change his bag" the nurse said and came to his said.

"No no.. It's okay" I got out of the way. The nurse quickly did her work and started to walk out.

"I'm sure he going to wake up.. Sooner or later. Don't worry.." The nurse said with a half smile on her face.

"Yeah...." I said and looked down. I sat back down and the nurse closed the door behind her.

"Tony...." I grabbed his hand and quietly started to cry to myself. Then a miracle happened. I felt his hand, lightly squeeze mine. I looked up. He eyes were still closed but his eyelids moving. He was breathing normally but still in his coma. You're going crazy Pepper! I thought to myself. I sighed and got up. I kiss Tony on the cheek, grabbed my bag and walked out. I needed a drink.

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