Chapter 9 - Torture

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Pepper's POV

I could hear the alarms and bells ringing in the distance as I sat there waiting for them. He's gone. Tears ran down my face again. I wiped my eyes clear but my eyes were still puffy and red from crying. Knock Knock knock.

"This is the police." yelled out a man. I slowly got up and went downstairs.

"I-I think that last... place he was.. i-is upstairs" I said sniffing. 1 of the police men, looking like he was in charge, pointed 2 fingers up the stairs and 2 of police men went up. The one in charge came up to me.

"Okay ma'am. My name is Rick. I need you to tell me everything you saw."

Tony's POV

So cold. Hungry. Tired. Restless. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I d-dont know what your talking about... I-I swear." I weakly said. I looked around the room. I was tied to a chair with 4 masked men around me. On my left was tools. With my blood on it. One of the masked men were holding them. On my right was a door but in front was a guard. With a gun.

"You don't know?" said one of the masked men.

"N-no... i don't.." I said. All four men looked at each other. One of them, which seemed to be the head of the group, toke a hard look at me then nodded at the man who was holding the tools.

"AHHHHHHHHH STOP STOP OKAYYY." I screamed. The pain was the same but I realized was getting worst. Blood dripped down from my chest and arms. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do it. I wasn't going to see Pepper again. I wasn't going tell her how much I loved her again. Never again. I was stuck here till I gave up the information they were looking for or till I die.


Flashback - [while Tony and Pepper are still in the hospital]

I took Peppers hand as we walked down the hallway.

"Ow ow Ow.." She yelp.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Pepper." I slowly but quickly let go of her hand that had the cast on. She smiled at me.

"Its okay." She said. She came closer to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek but I let go of my crutches, putting my hands on her cheeks and kissed her full on. The room started to spin but kept her close. I never would leave her side. We soon let go. I first looked at her and smiled and she smiled back at me.

"I'll never leave your side Pepper. You're my everything."

"I love you Tony" she smiled

"I love you too"


I slowly took a breath.

"What is the design? Huh? WHAT IS IT?" the leader of the group yelled at me.

"Design to what? Of what?" I asked breathing hard.

"Justin Hammer. The Iron Man design he's planning on making. Your name is all over the file Mr.Stark" the leader said with a smirk.

"That!? Im- No I'm not suppose to be apart of that. No!" I yelled. One of the men took out one of the biggest knife from the tools that were on the table and put against my neck.

"Then can you build it for us?" asked the man.

"I-I could try... I would nee--" It was dark again. But it wasn't a punch. Someone found us.

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