1.finding him

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Suga pov

I stare at the paper.i groan in frustration.i ran my hand through my hair.this is terrible!i ball up the paper and threw into trash bin.i heard a knock on the door.i got up from my chair and open the door.rm was standing in the hallway.

"I was just checking if you was still here."said rm

"You could had text me."i rolled my eyes.

"You don't check your phone when you in the studio."he said


"Its almost midnight.i am heading home.you should be too."said rm.i looked back at my desk where the notepad sat.

"I won't stay too much longer."rm nodded.

"Well night.see you tomorrow."he said.he walked away.i closed the door.i walked to notepad and grabbed the pen again.i stare at the paper.i can't think of the lyrics right now!i slammed the pen down on the desk.i will try again tomorrow.i grabbed my phone off the charger.i left my studio.i walked out the company building.the winter breeze hit me.i got a chill.i should had drove to the studio.i put my hood on.i started walking down the street.i put my hands in my pockets as a turn the corner.i heard a scream.i froze in my spot.a kid probably is doing a prank.i kept walking when I pass by an alleyway.i had the scream again.i looked up from the looking at the sidewalk.i saw a guy who was punching a little kid.

"Hey!stop that!"the guy looked at me.

"No this brat needs to learn his lesson."said the guy.he was about to hit the kid again but I ran to him and push him away from the kid.the guy was about to punch me but I punch him in face.he stumbled back and slipped on some trash.he fell back and knocked out.the kid looked terrified.poor kid.i kneeled to his height.

"You Okay?"The little boy nodded.i noticed the boy was shivering.he is cold.

"Umm let's go to my house to warm you up."i picked him up.he was very light.i walked to my apartment.i opened the door.i sat the boy on the couch.

"I will be right back."i went to my room.i went to the closet and grabbed a a blanket.i went to the living room.i wrapped the blanket around his tiny shoulders.

"What is your name?"he shook his head.

"Okay.where is your parents?"his eyes widened and shook his head.i sighed.

"You want watch some tv?"he nodded.i grabbed the tv off the table and turn the tv on.i changed the channel to Disney.i went to my room and call the police.

S:i found a child looks around age 3 and I don't know where the parents are.
P:we will send some social workers to you.what is your address?
S:agust d street.aparment 21.
P:thank you

Then the person hanged up.i walked out my room.i saw the boy was sleeping.sleep!i need to sleep!i need to get up early tomorrow.i laid on my bed and took a nap.when there was a knock on the door.i got up and answered the door.there was twins women

"I am laurel and she is yanny.we are with social services."she said.i nodded.i moved aside.they walked in.i checked the time.i only napped for 20 mins!i rubbed my eyes.i closed the door.

"Sir,can i speak to you?"asked yanny.i notice laurel was waking the little boy up.i nodded.

"Are you related to this child?"she asked.


"How did you find the child?"she asked.i explained what happened in the alley to her.

"Yanny,needs to go for a check up."said laurel.yanny nodded.the little boy started screaming when laurel tried to pick him up.yanny and I went to them.yanny tried Calm the child down.

"Sweetie,you are safe now.we are here to help you."said yanny.the little boy reach out his arms to me.i got him from laurel arms.he stopped screaming.

"Do you have even experience with kids?"asked yanny.she raised an eyebrow

"No."yanny tried take the child out my arms.the boy cling to me.

"Sir,i guess you have to come with us."said laurel.i nodded.we left my apartment.we drove in laurel car to the hospital.the nurses took the boy out my arms.he started screaming immediately.he started to escape the nurses until one of the nurses got him a shot.he stopped screaming and fell asleep.after nurses took a lot of tests laurel and yanny walked to me.

"Sir.it is almost 4am.you are allowed to leave.we are sorry if we inconvenience you."said yanny.i nodded.i left the hospital.i called a Uber to drive me home.i took a shower.i checked the time.it was 5am.so much for sleeping.i brushed my teeth and brush my hair.i fixed myself some coffee.i need this today.i drank the coffee.i drove to the company.i met up the members of the band.they was waiting in the dance studio.they was sitting in a circle

"I am surprised hyung.normally I am the last one here."said jimin.

"Jimin,i had no sleep last night."

"I told you not to stay in your studio too late."said rm.

"Actually i was at the hospital all night."i sat down next to v.

"Are you Okay?"asked jhope.

"Yeah.i was at the hospital because I saved a little boy from getting beat up."

"Okay.good job but why you were at the hospital?"asked jin

"I am getting to that part.apparently the kid got attached within that short time span.so the child didn't cooperate with social workers unless I was holding him."

"Aw that's cute."said v.

"Is the kid okay?"asked jungkook

"Actually i don't know.i left after the nurses got him some type of sleeping medicine."i shrugged.

"Well that was nice of you to help the little boy."said rm.i nodded.

"Now can we stop talking about it."

"Actually we have another 30mins before the van comes to pick us up.so we have time."said jimin.i rolled my eyes

"Wake up me when it comes."i laid down.i closed my eyes when my phone started ringing.

"Hyung,your phone ringing."said jungkook

"I know."i got my phone for my pocket and answer it.

Unknown:is this min yoongi

I sit up.i raised an eyebrow.jimin looked at me confused.

U:I am yanny.we need come to hospital.
U:Elijah won't calm down
U:the little boy you helped
S:oh.i am sorry but i Don't have time.
S:hold on

"Rm,can I just met you guys at the photo shoot?"

"Why?"asked rm.he rasied an eyebrow.

"I am needed back at the hospital."

"It about that little boy huh?!?"v asked excitedly.

"Yeah But be There in time to get changed."said rm.i nodded.i left the company building and went to hospital.i went to elijah room.yanny holding elijah while laurel was rubbing his back.elijah was screaming crying.i sighed.i took elijah for yanny.he hugged me.he stopped crying.

"Sir,have thought of adoption?"asked laurel.

"Yeah. A dog not a human."

"Elijah is really attach to you."said yanny.

"What about his parents?"

"The guy you saw in the alley was his only family.so he is either going to foster system or with you."said laurel.i looked at elijah rested his head on my shoulder while sucking his thumb.

"Yeah i will adopt him."yanny and laurel high fived

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