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Suga pov

I wake up to elijah tapping on me.i sat up.he was standing next to the bed.i rubbed the sleep out my eyes.

"What?"i noticed he was doing the potty dance.

"Go pee."he pointed at sweatpants.oh the string.i untie the string.he ran to the bathroom.i got out of bed.i went to the living room.i saw the thick orange envelope.i sat on the couch and grabbed it.eli walk out the room and sat next to me.i opened the envelope.the first document was his birth certificate

Name: Jung elijah
DOB: May 10

I looked at elijah.he is 6 years old!he looks 4 maybe even 3 and half!i looked at medical records.he is currently underweight.thats makes sense why he is so small.elijah took one of my rings off.he put it on his small thumb.he stare at it in amazement.i chuckled and got my ring back.

"Well it's early how about we going shopping."elijah shook his head.i sat up.

"You need some sun anyways."Cuz he is pale!i went to my room and Elijah followed behind me.i put his shoes on.i put my shoes,black face mask and a black hat.i went to the front door.elijah hugged my leg.i took a deep sigh.

"You want to hold my hand instead?"he shook his head.

"Eli,i need my leg to walk you can't hang onto my leg."he nodded.he stopped hugged my leg and held my left hand.we left the apartment building and went to my car.i opened the back car door.elijah climbed in.he needs a booster seat.he fasten his belt.i hop in the driver seat.i drove to target.i got out the car and opened the back seat.elijah shook his head.

"There nothing to be scared about."he didn't move from his spot.

"Just trust me Okay?"he nodded.he climbed out the car and held my hand.we walked into target.elijah walked very close to me while squeezing my hand.why is he so afraid?i grabbed a basket.i walked to the kids section.


I was playing on my phone while elijah sat on my lap and watch tv.when i heard a knock on the door.i moved elijah off my lap.i went to answer the door.elijah stood behind my legs.i opened the door.the members of band stood in the hallway.

"Come in."they walked in.

"Where is elijah?"asked jin.i gently pushed elijah from behind me.he immediately climbed back to my leg.

"This ironic right cuz you don't approve of people touching you but your son is clingy."said jungkook.he laughed.i rolled my eyes.

"Anyways follow me."We went to elijah room.

"Hyung,There only four small boxes."said jhope.

"Actually there are 8 but there in the closet."

"Did you order it off ikea?"asked namjoon.

"No.this Why i need your help."

"Okay.me,jungkook,jhope,And suga can assemble the bed while taehyung,jimin and jin Can assemble the dresser."said namjoon.we agreed.

Elijah pov

I watch them put to together the furniture.i sat at the doorframe cuz suga told me stay out the way.i chewed on my sleeve of my shirt.i wonder if I will be that tall as them when I get older?

"We are done!"said jimin.he high fived his group.i looked at suga group wasn't done.i sighed.i want to watch tv but if I leave without suga then cousin luke will get me!i pouted.

"Eli,Why you sad?"asked jimin who kneeled in front of me.taehyung and jin stood behind him.i looked over to see suga talking to namjoon about something on the paper.

"He is not sad.he probably bored."said jin.

"You want to play hide and go seek?"asked taehyung.i shook my head.nobody ever finds me.they looked at me with confusion.jimin stood up.i looked over at suga who helping jungkook.

"Ooh.i get it."said jin.i looked up at him.

"Get what?"asked taehyung.jin pointed to suga.

"Oh I got it now."said jimin

"I don't."said taehyung.jin whispered in taehyung ear.taehyung nodded.jin walked to suga and whispered in his ear.suga looked confused and look at me.he sighed.he walked to me.

"You guys got this?"asked suga.

"Yes."said namjoon.suga nodded.he picked me up.

"You can't chew on your sleeves."said suga.he grabbed my arm and pulled it away from my mouth.i bit his hand.he hissed in pain.

"You can't bite me."he said.jhope laughed.i pouted.he sighed.he went to the kitchen.he grabbed the pacifier from the dish drying rack.he put in my mouth.we went to suga room.

"You want to watch some tv?"he asked.i nodded.he placed me on the bed.i felt the warmth from his arms disappeared.i started whining.

"Eli,i am not going to hold you all day."he said while turning the channels.why?maybe he doesn't like me!nobody likes me!i started crying.suga sat next to me.he grabbed me and place on his lap.he hugged me.he didn't say nothing.this feels nice.i stopped crying when someone walked in.

"Hyung we are-"I looked up to see jimin.

"I am sorry for interrupting."said jimin

"Um.what you need?"asked suga.

"We are done.tae and jk are making the bed if you want to see."said jimin.suga nodded.he stood up and carry me in his arms.we went to my room.jhope and jin was placing the pillows on the bed.the bed had orange.i love orange!i smiled

"At least he like it."said jin.suga place me on the bed.i pick up the pillow and threw it at jimin.jimin caught it.

"Nice aim."said jhope.jimin hit jhope with the pillow.i laughed.jhope snatched the pillow from jimin and hit jimin with it.then jin snatched the pillow from jhope.

"These are new pillows."said jin.he placed the pillow back on my bed.

"No fun."said jhope

"Well looking at Eli bed I want my bed now.so if you rode in my car.lets go."said jin.jin,jhope and namjoon left.

"Well I see you guys later."said jungkook.jungkook,jimin and taehyung left.suga closed the front door.he went to his room.i followed behind him.he laid in bed.i saw a stuffed cookie toy on the dresser.i walked to the bed.i tapped his leg.he sat up.i pointed at the toy.

"That's shooky.he is my bt21 character."he said.i walked to the tall dresser and tried reached to top.he chuckled.i stood on my tippy toes and still couldn't reach it.he got up from bed and got shooky from the dresser.he give shooky to me.i hugged shooky.he chuckled.

"Nice to know you like it."

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