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Elijah pov

I was cuddling with suga when his phone alarm rang.turn it off!then suga woke up and turn the alarm.he got off out of bed.he shook my shoulder.go away!

"Bud,time to get up."he said.i sat up and frown.suga went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.i put on my sleeve shirt and black shorts.i went to the bathroom.i grabbed the toothpaste.how would the tube look if it was empty?i stare the toothpaste tube in my hand.one way to find out.i squeeze the toothpaste out the tube into the sink when suga snatched it out my hand.

"Bud,don't do that.you are wasting toothpaste and making a mess."said suga.he squeezed some toothpaste on my toothbrush.i pouted.

"Brush your teeth."he said.i started brushing my teeth.he left the bathroom.after I finish I went to the room and put my shoes on.

"Suga."he looked from his phone.

"Yeah."he said.

"Tie my shoes."suga raised an eyebrow at me.

"Bud,you are big boy.you can do it yourself."he said.

"But I don't want to.i want you to!"

"Bud i am not tying your shoes."he shook his head slightly.i stand on the floor and took my shoes off.i threw them in a random direction.

"You been hanging out with taehyung too much."he mumbled.

"I am not going!"

"Bud,go get your shoes and put them on."he said.

"Make me."i stick my tongue out

"I don't know what's wrong with you today but you need to drop attitude."he said.i stomped to my shoes and put them on.

"Happy?"suga look at me confused.he got up from the bed and kneeled to me.

"Bud,are you okay?"he asked.he touch my forehead.i push his hand away.

"I am not sick!"

"Maybe you just hungry.come on."he grabbed my hand.we went to the kitchen.jimin and jin was eating cereal.i sat next to jimin.

"Morning eli."said jin.i glared at him.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."said jin.suga started cooking me some oatmeal.

"Jin Hyung,can you help me dye my hair when we come back."said jimin.

"If I am not tired."said jin.

"Morning."said jhope with a blanket around his shoulders.

"Is it that cold in here?"asked suga.

"Namjoon told me to get up and ready didn't say I couldn't keep my blanket."said jhope.he sat next jin.taehyung rubbed his eyes as he walked in.suga places a bowl of oatmeal in front of me.i started eating when rm and jungkook walked in.

"123456.okay that everyone."said rm.

"7 if count eli."said jin.i throw my spoon at jin but I missed at hit jungkook on the forehead.

"Ow!"said jungkook.

"Eli,it's not nice to throw things at people."said jin.i rolled my eyes.everyone looked shocked at me.

"Are you okay?"asked jimin.he reach his hand to touch me but I bit his hand.he hissed in pain.i glared at him.

"Sorry about his behavior.i don't know what's wrong with him today."said suga.i rolled eyes.

"You know I think you need time in the corner."said suga while looking at me.i shook my head.everyone expect suga was looking sympathetic to me.

"If I want to carry you to the corner that more time."he said.i pouted and stomped to nearest corner.

Suga pov

I put eli in the corner for the second time today.i walked to guys and sat down.

"Suga,What's Wrong with Eli?"asked jin.

"I really don't know.normally threating timeout scared him to straight up but today the first i had to put in timeout more than once."

"Less than hour."said jhope.

"I am not used to this bad eli."said jin

"Me either but hopefully after he will tell what wrong."

"Tell you?i thought he doesn't talk?"said jimin

"He talks to me all the time but i don't know to others."

"Selective mute."said rm.

"I guess."i shrugged.

"I can't wait until we are in Japan tomorrow."said jungkook

"First we have kick it off in Korea."said taehyung

"It feels like we just came from tour a few days not a few months."said jhope.i check my watch.i walked back to eli.i kneeled to him.he was crying.i turn him around to face me.

"Why were you in the corner?"

"Cuz I wasn't listening to suga."he whispered.i nodded.i hugged him.i pick him up.i wiped his tears away.he laid his head on my shoulder.i noticed he looked sleepy.he probably tired himself out from crying.i rubbed his back.he started chewing on his sleeve.

"No.don't chew on your clothes."i moved his arm away from his mouth.i grabbed the pacifier from my pocket.i place in his mouth.i walked to the guys.

"Now that's the eli I know."said jin.he smiled.

"I guess he was tired."said jhope.

"Sadly he probably won't sleep long cuz the fan meet starts soon."said rm.


Eli was sitting on lap still sleeping.i don't know how he slept through all the loud noise.i rubbed his back a little when another fan stood in front of me.she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Hi I am sonny.i just i love when you rap."she said.i smiled.i sign her album.

"Nice to know I am your favorite rapper."she smiled at me.

"I can't wait to see you at the concert tonight."She said.

"I will see you there."Then she moved down the line.eli rubbed his eyes before opening them.

"Nice nap?"i Chuckled.he nodded.he looked around.he pointed to jimin.i nodded.i place on his feet.he walked to jimin who talking to jin.

"Hi eli."said jimin.he pick up eli.i continued to meet other fans.

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