50.the final

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3 years later
(Eli is 16 yrs old)
Eli pov

"You got this!"said jimin.he shook my shoulders.

"Yeah.everything is set up.you just need to ahead out in there."said jin.i nodded.i look at in the auditorium door window.i saw a girl playing a violin.

"Nevermind i change my mind!"i was about walk away when jungkook grabbed my arm.

"Eli you worked for weeks for this performance!"said jungkook

"I only enter the talent show cuz my father said told me to show my talent.but he not even here!"i snatched my arm away from his grip.

"Eli,he wanted to come.his flight got delayed."said taehyung.

"I know.he told me.so those 3 weeks practicing was a waste."

"It doesn't have to be!"said jhope.

"Even if I go on stage it's social suicide!"

"How?"said taehyung with his arm folded.

"My classmates know me as quiet kid not a fucking pianist!"

"You amazing at it!"said jhope

"You not understanding!it's a secret a talent for a reason!"

"Why?"asked jimin.he raised an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't understand.the only person that would understand ain't here!"

"Ej your nerves are making you come up with excuses and excuses are angering you.you need to relax.you got it."said jhope.he patted my shoulder.i took a deep breath.

"I can't get on that stage!"

"You played a piano during one of concerts before.this no different."said jimin.

"There a huge difference.for one i ain't 6 no more.i actually developed insecurities!"jin hugged me.he held my face in his hands

"Insecurities are only in you head.you got this."said jin.i nodded.

"No.say you got this."said jin.

"I got this."i mumbled

"Louder."said jin.

"I got this."

"Louder."said jin.he smirked

"I got this!"jin high fived me.

"You got this!now get your tail in there!"said jimin.i nodded.i walked in the auditorium and walked backstage.i walk to the stage hand.

"I am too late?"

"You misses your turn but you can go next."said the guy.i nodded.i waited until the act of stage was over.the stage staff pushed the piano to the center of the stage.i walked on the stage.i saw jin,jimin,taehyung and jungkook in the crowd.jimin did a heart and jin gave me a thumb up.i walked to the piano bench.i sat down.i place my hands above the keys.i took a deep breath.

Suga pov

Me and namjoon left the airport.we hop in the car.

"Fuck i don't think we will make it in time!"

"I texted jin.he says eli didn't go get.eli nerves are bad."said namjoon.

"I knew I shouldn't have push him to do the talent show.he probably freaking out."i ran my hand through my hair.

"You did the right thing.you just wanted to eli to show his talent."

"Yeah But he told me that when he plays the piano.it brings back bad memories."

"Then why you push him?"

"i wanted to show him that his talent is a gift and not a just a connection to his past."namjoon nodded.we arrived at the school.we ran to the auditorium.we saw eli walk on stage.we walked in the auditorium.he looked at the crowd before he started at the piano keys.e walked to the other member.they looked shocked.eli started playing lose yourself on the piano.

He finished playing.i immediately stand up.

"That's my son!"i yelled.eli look at me shocked.

"Go eli!"said jimin.we stood up and cheered for him.the rest of the crowd join in.eli exited the stage.we met him in the hallway.eli immediately ran to me.he hopped me and hugged me

"Bud i am getting too old for you to be jumping into my arms."he got off me.

"Good job eli."said namjoon

"I thought you two flight was delayed."said Eli

"The flight was delayed for a few minutes."

"You came right on time."said jin.he patted my back.

"I glad I did."i smiled at eli.i ruffled his hair.

"Don't mess up the chick magnet."said Eli.

"Chick magnet?i thought you like nia?"asked jimin

"Nia still claiming lesbian."said Eli.he rolled his eyes.we laughed.


I walked to eli room.i stood at the door way.eli was laying in reading a book.i against the doorframe.time flys.i smiled.


I walked in eli room.he was reading a book.

"Time for bed."he closed the book.he got out of his bed and started walking towards the door.i picked him up

"I meant in your bed."

"Is appa going sleep in my bed?"


"Then I will sleep appa bed."i chuckled

~end of flashback

"Yoongi!"said Eli.he was standing right in front of me.

"Don't call me that."

"You spaced out for a moment."he said.i smiled proudly at him.

"Time Just flys."

"Not fast enough.i want to graduate already."he rolled his eyes.i hugged him.

"You were worth saving."

"Yeah i know you told me already.i just hope i was save you like you saved me."

"You saved from not knowing what it like to have a amazing son."eli smiled.

"I am amazing huh."he smirked.

"Yes you are."

Thanks for reading

Check out my other bts books:
Adopted by jungkook
Adopted by taehyung
Baby project(jungkook fanfic)
Husband swap
Scary movie
Bts prank war

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