48.show yourself!

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Suga pov

After I drop eli at school.i drove back home.i called the jailhouse.

Jail:which prisoner are you wanting to call today?
S:Actually i am here to check if someone name Jung Luke was released yet

I heard typing on a computer.

J:yes.he was released yesterday at 7 am.
S:thank you.

Then I hanged up.i turned pale.oh man!eli!

Eli pov

Suga dropped me off at the front office.i walked to breakfast.i saw nia and Chen at the table.i walked to them.

"Let's skip breakfast.lets go to the gym."said nia.i nodded.we left the cafeteria.we went to gym and sat on bleachers.

"Next year we will going high school!"said Chen.she clapped excitedly

"Yeah in like 3 month."said nia.she rolled her eyes.

"In 98 days to be exact."

"Nobody asked genius."said nia.she pinched my arm.

"That why I had to said it because nobody asked."i smirked.chen high five me.

"Chen don't high five him!"said nia.i laughed.we heard a gunshot and people screaming.my friend and me look at each other with panic.

"What is going on?"asked Chen worryingly.

"I don't know and I don't want to find out."

"Lets dip!"said nia.she stood up.we stood up and grabbed our bags when a voice yelled.

"MIN ELIJAH SHOW YOURSELF OR I WILL KILL SOMEBODY!"yelled Luke.he was standing in the center of the basketball court.

"He is not serious."said nia.she rolled her eyes.he grabbed a random student and place the gun to his head.

"I think he is!"said Chen.

"SHOW YOURSELF MOTHER FUCKER OR HE IS DEAD!"yelled Luke.i quick ran down the bleachers stairs to the court.

"I am here.let him go."luke let go of the student.he ran away.luke pointed the gun at me.

"I waited 6 years for this moment."he said.i heard the safety turn off on the gun.my heart started beating fast.

"Bye Bye brat!"he said.then i saw him get tackled down by suga.but Luke fell to the ground.he quickly shot the gun.the bullet hit my stomach.i held my wound and screamed.i see the blood oozing out the wound.i fainted when I saw the blood.i woke up in hospital.i saw jimin siting in the chair.

"Jimin,where is appa?"i said while trying to sit up but my torso hurt.i lift my shirt.i saw a big square bandage on lower torso.

"You lucky the bullet didn't damaged any organs.you should recover faster too."said jimin

"Where is my father?"

"Under arrest right now-


"Apparently after he tackled the gun man.he started punching the guy face until he was black and blue."he said.i smiled proudly.he really is my hero.

"Namjoon is at the police station trying to help him."he said.i nodded.

"Can i Get some medicine for my pain?"

"I will ask the doctor."said jimin.he left the room.


I was sleeping when I felt someone touching my hair.i pushed the hand away and close my eyes.suga was stood next to the bed.i sit up and hug me.

"You are my hero.i hope one day I will be like you!"suga chuckled.he ruffled my hair.he smiled proudly.

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