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Eli pov

I was holding nia hand as we walked to her class.

"We should go see toy story 4 this Friday!"said nia

"I want to see lion king!"

"Toy story!"said nia

"Lion king!"

"Can you two act like you are a middle schoolers please!"said Chen.

"I am."chen rolled her eyes.then we heard loud sirens go off.

"It's the purge!"yelled a guy.everyone in the hallway started panicking.

"Attention students this is a lockdown!this is not a drill!"said the voice over the PA system.i quickly grabbed chen wrist.i pulled them to the nearest classroom.

"Everyone head to the corner of the classroom."said the teacher.the teacher turned off the lights.the students moved to the corner of the room.nia and Chen hugged on me.the classroom was quiet.i heard my heart beating outside my chest.

"Someone in A hall just snapped that the intruder in A hall."whispered a guy.

"A hall?"asked chen

"Calm down we are in c hall.we are at back of the school."

"True."said nia

"My friend just texted me.the intruder is in b hall. Now."said James

"Good thing we didn't go to our actually class."

"For real.or we would be lot of danger."said Nia.we sat in the complete quietness for 30 minutes.

"We have caught the person.the lockdown is over.report back to class"saud the speaker.me and my friend started walking to our class.

"I am so happy they caught him."said Chen

"Same."said Nia .we walked in the class.we sat down everyone was looking at me.

"Why everyone looking at me?"

"Because you the reason the crazy dude walk in here.he was looking for you."said amber.my heart down to my feet


"Maybe the dude was looking for a different Elijah."said Nia

"he said he was looking for jung elijah but no one at the school with that name.so,I assume he was talking about you."said amber.oh no!my heart started beating fast

"I gotta to go."then I stood up.i left the classroom.i called suga.he didn't answer.i need appa.i started running down the hallway.

"No running in halls!"yelled a teacher as I zoom past them.i ran down the stairs.i ran to the front office.i was about to leave.

"You can't leave!"said the lady at the desk.i rolled my eyes.i leave the building.i started running down the street.i kept running until I reached big hit.i ran in the building.

"Eli?"asked Tim.he is the secretary.i ignore him and ran to the recording studio.i slammed the door open.i saw the members sitting down in a semi circle with mics.they stopped singing and look at me.

"Eli?"they said.i ran to suga.i was out of breath.

"He *wheeze* coming *wheeze* for me."Then i collapsed to the floor.my vision slowly went black

"Eli!elijah!"said suga.i blackout.then I woke up in a hospital bed.i saw suga.i sat up.

"What happened?"asked suga.he looked concerned.

"My school had a lockdown.i was the cause of it!"

"How?"He asked.

"A someone told me that a the intruder came in my class that I was supposed to be in at the time and asked for me.its Luke!"

"Luke is in jail."

"Are you sure?"

"You want me to check?"

"I will call the jail tomorrow cuz it's pass office hours right now."i nodded.

"Why i am here?"

"You fainted from exhaustion.did you run the whole way from school?"he raised an eyebrow.i rubbed the back of my neck.

"Um yeah.i needed you."he hugged me.

"I am always here for you!"i hugged him back.

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