Chapter 7

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Oh shiitake mushrooms, I'm extraordinarily late aren't I? I was unable to post due to me visiting relatives in the UK. I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you wonderful people sooner. However, that didn't stop me from typing offline. Here's two chapters instead of one. Or should I do three? I'll do three. Hope you enjoy this extremely late chapter!

Dust PoV

Wanting to take my mind off the discomfort, I checked the left side of the room this time. I walked over to the lone counter that divides the bed from the left wall. Two drawers, one on top and another on the bottom, like bunk beds.

I open up the bottom drawer first, and all I see is a T.V remote, and a phone with it's charger next to it. I decide to charge the phone, hoping that Samuel doesn't have a password on his phone. Somehow, the phone and the charger didn't reset when I stopped using it.

I open the drawer on the top, and there, lies a singular golden key, untouched for, who knows how long. I pick it up, astonished with its fancy engravings and design, the type you'd normally find in fairytales. The clover-shaped end, with a eight-tick lock, meaning this key can only open a very, very specific lock, made especially for the key.

No lockpicking will get through an eight-tick lock, so whatever this key is made to unlock, it must be very important. My head started to hurt as words came flooding into my brain. A fancy bar came into view and everything else was blurry.

"This is for you, S̸̢̟͇̎̽͋â̸̡͍̱͌͒m̸̩̰̆͝u̸̻̾́e̸̻͂͠l̸̀͋͜", a feminine voice said, excited.

"woah, why so happy?", another voice said, likely male.

"Did you forget?!", she said.

"forget what?", he said, almost mockingly.

"Our anniversary! Why do you think I brought you here?", she said.

"don't worry buttercup. i didn't forget, just playing with ya'.", he said.

"You better be, S̸̢̟͇̎̽͋â̸̡͍̱͌͒m̸̩̰̆͝u̸̻̾́e̸̻͂͠l̸̀͋͜! Otherwise this would be for nothing!", she said.

"of course not!", he said.

"Ok then, why are we here?", she said.

"because it's our anniversary?", he said.

"Yeah, you got it-! wait. I told you that!", she said.

"hahahah! maybe...", he said.

"Ok, ok. What anniversary is it?", she said.

"it's our 3rd year anniversary, i would never forget something as important as this.", he said, "so what did you get me?"

"I got you this!", she said.

Everything started to become clearer, as that same key came into view. The couple talking to each other was (Y/N) and Samuel, talking about their anniversary. The key was attached to a golden chain-lace necklace, shining brightly in the light.

"what's the key for?", Samuel said.

"Do you remember the drawer in your room that was always locked, because we lost the key?", (Y/N) said.

"yeah, why?", he said.

"For some reason, I found the key in my room, in my drawer. I opened the drawer and there was nothing! So when we get home tonight, you can open that drawer.", she said.

"but why would I need to open it when it's empty?", he said.

"In a way, your gift is a two parter. This is only one part of the gift I'm giving you now.", she said, "So what's your gift?"

"oh, it's here, give me a sec...", he said.

He dug into his pocket, and in his hand, was a white box.

"now, i know what you're thinking. 'Oh my gosh, is that a marriage ring?!' no, it isn't. it's my gift to you. I feel we have a little while longer before marriage.", he said, handing the box to her.

She opened the box, revealing a golden upside-down heart locket, like a monster soul.

"i already have mine on.", he said, pulling down his shirt a little to show off his matching locket, "can you put on yours?"

"Can you put it on? I can't reach the end of the chain.", she said.

"sure!", he said.

She turned around, allowing him to lock the chain. She turned to him, a smile on her face.

"I love it!", she said.

"i'm glad to hear that!", he said.

Out of nowhere, gunfire was heard in the distance, and soon, Samuel was shot in his chest, arm and one bullet cut near his left eye, (Y/N) was wounded, and what I was seeing, which was probably a memory of Samuel's or (Y/N)'s, was cut short.

I "woke up" from that memory of Samuel's, and questions I should have asked earlier, ran through my head.

"what happened afterward? where is samuel? what was the gift?"

However, a question was stuck in my head with one theory to that question.

"If he was shot multiple times, is this 'samuel' gone?"

Published 4/28/2019

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