Chapter 8

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Dust PoV

I teleported back into Samuel's room, and opened the drawer with the eight-tick lock. I grabbed the box, and opened it. The moment I did, the box revealed a series of small gears and ticks. Everything was connected to the crank, so I started winding it up, slowly. When I was satisfied, I let go of the crank, and it started playing a tranquil song named by the box on tape, "It's Raining Somewhere Else".

While the song was playing, all the memories of that might have belonged to Samuel came flooding slowly into my head. I decided there was no way to stop the memories, so I closed my eyes, and let the memories take form in my head. A life was shortened into at least a minute or more, and the memories of Samuel with (Y/N) were highlighted.


The triangular tower from the photo was looming over in the distance.

"Come on Samuel, let's take a photo!", (Y/N) said.

"we already have, like, millions of photos already, what's so special about this one?", Samuel said.

"We're in Paris! The Eiffel Tower is right there! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, we have to take a picture!", she said.

"alright, fine. anything for you.", he replied.

They took a photo with a camera, and they looked at it with a smile.


The scene changed to a science classroom, and it seems like every student was paired into a duo, except for (Y/N), Samuel, and a few other students. It looked like neither of them knew each other at the time, so this must have been how they met.

"Ok, the last few pairs will be William and Sophia, Emma and Benjamin, (Y/N) and Samuel, and Lucas and Zoey.", the teacher said.

The new pair of Samuel and (Y/N) looked at each other as if they were both trying to decipher if the other was friend or foe. Then, (Y/N) started walking forward to Samuel, making the first move.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N), as you know... You're Samuel, right?", (Y/N) said.

"yeah! it's nice to meet you (y/n).", Samuel said, trying to mimic (Y/N)'s excitement.

"Ok, now that everyone has their partners, you have ten minutes to discuss your science project. You may have your phones out, but only for exchanging each other's phone numbers! If I see any texting, I'm taking it away until the next day!", the teacher said.

"So, do you have any ideas for the science project?", (Y/N) said.

"oh! we could do how gravity works, or how chemicals combine to make new ones.", Samuel said, with unmistakable joy, hidden from his face.

"You're really into science! What do you plan on being when you grow up?", (Y/N) said.

"i plan on being a scientist. i want to help the world progress through science.", he said, "what about you?"

"Oh, I don't know. Not yet at least.", she said, "What are you into specifically in science?"

"specifically? i'm honestly amazed by the parallel universe theory.", he said.

"Theories? I know some, but I don't know what that theory is. Can you explain?", she said.

"the parallel universe theory is every choice that we make has its own path, so say for example, for a more major path, the teacher decided to pair, say, me with sophia, and you with benjamin. the path of us meeting is now closed out for later, or maybe never, and an entire new path has been opened for said event. now let's say about something less important, like me not explaining the parallel universe theory. anything you may ask, may have been delayed, or canceled entirely, but that's less likely. paths that could have been achieved by asking about the theory are still open, but less likely, or changed the conversation that we're having right now entirely. these multiple paths are called alternate timelines, or alternate universes if something drastic happened, like say, world war two never happened. that's the theory cut short.", Samuel said.

"Wow! You know so much! You'd be an amazing scientist!", (Y/N) said.

"now, that's only a theory, isn't it?", he said, me knowing that was completely wrong.

"But still! Do you want to meet over at my house to discuss even further what our project will be? I live alone, so you don't need to worry about any parents.", (Y/N) said.

"yeah, sure!", he said, memory fading to white.


There were many more memories, and when the song ended, I started coming up with theories of my own.

Published 4/28/2019

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