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They dance for eternity, good and evil.

They sang the song of ice and fire, searing determination that rivaled the cold snow, has been going on for ages.

This dance, in this familiar hall, has to end eventually.

One of these of dancers has to win, but one's already been winning for centuries.

The other dancer, makes a desperate move, pulling out all the stops, repetitive and complex.

However, the other still has yet to dance to her full extent.

Though they seem like equals, one has to tire out eventually.

Holding tightly to each other, fates intertwined, chaos and destiny pulling the strings of their puppets ever further... until the hold of one puppet breaks.

Now with free will, the dancer is free to do as they please, free to do whatever it takes to change fate, free to do whatever it takes to beat the other dancer.

He pauses time, and calls a break. Albeit, for a few hours, this is all he needed to gain the advantage over the other.

Learning new tricks, dancing a short dance with others, he always won, gaining more advice with each new dancer beaten.

Now, they dance once more, the supposed final dance, and she trips the other.

She has learned new tricks too.

The other dancer has lost, yet she yearns to dance again, over and over again, they dance, and the same trick is pulled just as many times as needed.

More and more tricks are learned, and more and more times, he loses, always oblivious to that same dirty trick that she pulls.

They dance again, still unknown to the other the trick she pulls. He trips once again, and they, still bound by fate, are forced to dance again.

This is not that story.

The story of magic, monsters, and humans, is not the one that is being told.

He trips once again, his fate changed, falls deeper.

He falls for what seems like forever, deeper, yet deeper.

He finally reaches rock bottom, and a friendly hand helps him up.

Now, all strings fully broken, he looks up.

A new face.

They grab each other's hands, and slowly start a new dance.

A new waltz.

A new fate.

A new story.

Both have to adjust to each other's steps, but steadily, they get used to each other's styles.

She steps slowly, in a sad, slow rhythm.

He slows down, him getting too accustomed to the fast pace of sparking flames.

Slowly, they start to learn about each other, following each other's move.

They acknowledge their partner's strengths and weaknesses, and dance to a new song, forever in an endless waltz of recollection and mending two broken hearts.


Heya, this is Clockwork here! This is my very first story, and this is the Prologue. I will post more, and I will not discontinue this book. Thanks for reading!

Date posted: 2/19/2019

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