Don't Call It A Fight

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I wanna see you, but you’re not mine said what I could see of the text.

I quickly slid the lock screen open, punched in my four digit password to look at the entire text that had to be from Matty. Wait. What? This is from Ross.

Ross and I had been texting since the guys left ahead of us to go to the next city for another gig, but it had been friendly up until now. Like “Hi! Whatcha up to” and stuff like that, nothing deep or anything.

Matty and I also texted but it was much the same as with Ross, friendly and all that, and I had received a few messages from George as well. The ones from George were just trying to find Em. He and Em had really hit it off fast and Em’s head was in the clouds. It looked like George’s heads were in the clouds, too. Yes, that was plural. I didn’t know George, but I wondered if he were the settle down type.

I looked at my phone again.

I wanna see you, but you’re not mine. I’m not sure Matty would be ok with that. Are the two of you tight? I mean, are you together?

I quickly texted back.

Do you mean TOGETHER together as in a relationship together? If so, Matty and I are NOT together. And I want to see you and the guys again too. We are in Paris now. Maybe all of us can meet up somewhere?

I pushed send, watching the message send bar slide from the left side of the phone to the right. Delivered, it indicated. I held my phone, chewing my bottom lip. Why would he ask if Matty and I were together? He knows we aren’t together right now. Matty should be with him, at rehearsal or pre show or whatever ritual they chose to do today.

My phone buzzed. It was Ross, again.

I want to SEE YOU as in date you. As in, I want to see just you. But I thought you were with Matty, yes, as in a relationship together. You guys seem pretty tight. I can’t step on Matty’s toes. We have never fought over a girl but I wanna see you.

My heart leapt! What!? He wants to SEE ME?! Ross does?! Oh my gosh, I thought that he was just being nice to me, friendly and flirty and that he did that with all and I mean ALL the other girls. He had seemed to hate it when Matty and I were cuddling, always looking down or walking away. I remembered the feeling that I got when he would walk away when Matty would put his arm around me when we were all hanging out.

Matty had kissed me, and even though it was an attempt at a passionate kiss on both of our sides, it just wasn’t right. Matty was a good kisser, but the feelings were just not there. Matty was really more of a friend and I knew that in the short time that we had known the band mates. I didn’t have anything more than brotherly feelings for him. He is a cool guy, but he and I just would not work. He is a free person and I do not think he is ready to be in a seriously relationship after Gemma the super model, even though that was eons ago.

And Ross. My stomach rolled with butterfly feelings and my heart leapt again just thinking about him. Stop it! I told myself. I typed as fast as my thumbs would allow me.

I’m not with Matty. Yes, we have kissed, he holds my hand, we cuddle, but it’s not like that. He is sweet and all, but I am sure that there is nothing there on his side and definitely nothing on mine. He’s like a brother to me, a good friend, that’s all. You should ask him though in case you are worried. Oh, and Ross, I want to see you, too :)

Em, Gillian and I had just left the euro rail station and were walking to the hostel where we were staying. Gillian nudged me with her elbow as we walked along the street and asked if I was ok.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just gotta pee. I hate the restrooms on the rails ya know. Oh, and Ross texted me,” I responded.

“So? Doesn’t Ross always text you?” she said.

“Yeah, but it was different this time. I really gotta pee. How much further to the hostel do you think, Em?” I asked my blonde-haired friend.

Reflecting on Ross’ text as we hustled our way to the hostel, I relished in the fact that Ross’ also texted like I did; full sentences, punctuation, capitalization, as if writing a letter to someone. I always did that and could not stand it when someone would use the letter u for the word you and other shortcuts. Type is out, man! It doesn’t take that much longer and it was SO much easier to read and understand. I did use the abbreviations that were common like lol for laugh out loud and some of the others, like ttyl for talk to you later, but that was different.

I was in the loo at our hostel when the next text arrived. It was George and my heart sank.

Is Em around?

Of course it was George looking for Em. They were tight.

I texted him back letting him know that her phone had died and she was charging it right now, but also that her service had been bad.

Emaleigh’s American phone plan with the added international service was not as good as mine apparently. When we were in the Chunnel, her phone got no service at all. I guess the 3 hours and 15 minutes it took us to get from London to Paris was just too long for those guys to be apart. They are cute, I thought to myself.

Thanks doll!

Just as quickly as I could read that text, another text from George arrived.

Oh, and what is up with Ross and Matty? They are having an argument over you?!!!

WHAT? Oh my god, no! I washed my hands in the loo and texted him back.

George, please tell me you are joking!

I walked down the hall back to our community room.

Nope, not joking. Maybe you girls should come to the venue?

Yep, be there as fast as we can

Em and Gillian were storing their bags under our bunk beds in the trunks that they provide in each hostel. You had to have your own lock for the trunk, but your stuff was secure at least.

“Do you guys want to head over to the venue? George is looking for Em and um, something else is going on,” I told my friends.

They of course wanted all the info and I filled them in as we walked as fast as we could the 10 blocks to where our favorite band, The 1975 was playing that night. Gillian was freaking out that Ross had professed his undying love, to which I responded that it was not it at all, and she tried to make us run so she could watch Ross and Matty beat the crap out of each other – over me. I was still in shock and disbelief and had fear and butterflies in my stomach fighting each other and heart palpitations out the wazoo. What the hell was going on?

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