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One week later, I had to go to Mexico, another art piece to try to commission. I flew from New York to San Antonio, Texas and rented a car to drive into Mexico. I did not trust the airlines to get the artwork back in one piece, so driving into Mexico was my only option. All went well with the journey across the border into Mexico. I spoke fluent Spanish so conducting business there was no trouble whatsoever. I made my way down to Monterrey and quickly found the residence of the man I was to meet.

I was greeted at the gated drive and escorted to the large setback home. Senior Guillermo Lopez greeted me in the drive and invited me into his home. He was a middle aged Mexican man and I am sure that he was attractive to women his age. He wore black trousers, a burgundy button up shirt and a black bolo with turquoise set into the silver clasp. His black alligator shoes and the cowboy hat with the black alligator band certainly made his outfit, um, interesting.

Senior Lopez offered me a drink and when I graciously declined, he insisted. I finally accepted a glass of the champagne that he was trying to force on me, but I just held it in my hand and took small sips, but never really brought any of the liquid into my mouth.

He hit on me, brushing his hand up against my butt cheeks as I walked in front of the piece of art that hung in one of his homes large rooms. He would talk so softly that I had to lean into hear what he was saying and he would run his hands over my hand, pulling my hair through his fingers and bringing it to his nose inhaling my scent. I pulled away and stepped back running into one of the busts that stood in the corner. He took two quick steps towards me and attempted to kiss me and I rejected him. This dance went on for nearly an hour as I negotiated the price of the piece. I continued to tell him no and to reiterate the fact that I had a boyfriend and was very happy in my relationship. The whole time, I felt completely safe from his advance, but could not explain why other than the fact that Senior Lopez home teamed with his staff. There was always at least one person present in each room we were in or even two more. When I felt that negotiations had stalled, I excused myself, went to the restroom and texted Ross. I told him that I was trying to finish up the business as quickly as possible, but the man was making advances towards me. Ross wanted to throttle him. I reassured my lover that I would not allow this man to do anything in that manner, but I did feel that I was done with my work. I had one last offer for the Mexican man, and if he did not bite, I was done.

Surprisingly enough, he bit. I got lower than his asking price with the promise from our gallery to look at more of his pieces at future dates yet to be determined. His advances towards me had abruptly ended as well. I was more than relieved and quickly made the transaction and said my thanks and goodbyes.

The drive from Monterrey back to the border was slightly over an hour and I was shocked to find the line of cars to get back across the border into the States ridiculously long. I waited easily an hour and a half. The border patrol police were searching more cars that what I thought was normal, but maybe they were looking for something specific. I continuously texted Ross, as he wanted to know all the gory details on what Senior Lopez had attempted and what he had groped of mine. Ross was being overly protectively, but he said he had a bad feeling about the whole thing aside from me almost getting felt up by an old guy. I reminded him that my client was my parent’s age, but he was still upset and I didn’t mind the expressions of love.

When the police got to my car with their huge German Shepherds, I was asked to step out of my vehicle. They ransacked it for lack of a better word. I pleaded with them to be careful with the painting as it was extremely valuable. I had it wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine and they insisted that it had to be unwrapped and thoroughly examined. Much to my chagrin, they took it inside one of the buildings for further inspection. I was asked to accompany them inside as well and ushered into a small room with only a table and two chairs, one on either side of the table.

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