When You Know It's A War

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When we arrived at Le Trabendo, the band’s security guard was at the rear entrance and looked at us as if we were crazed fans. Well, we were crazed, and we were fans, but we were not both, not together. I was crazed to find Ross and make sure that he and Matty were not beating each other to a pulp. Em was crazed to find George and rip his clothes off again. Gillian was just crazed. She was the crazed fan I guess and a fan of all the drama.

The band had arranged for us to get backstage for this concert. We had not been able to at any of their concerts in England due to some security clearances or something like that. Once the security guard had made the proper phone calls, looked at our ID’s and passports, he finally let us in the door. There were crazed fans already lining up around the front of the building and around the side where the entrance was. There were others, mostly girls, around the band’s black tour bus and they screamed at us like banshees when they saw that we were being let in. I just shook my head and kept walking.

We strode down the dark hall towards the sound of voices, loud voices which kept getting louder the closer we got.  I stopped outside of the room where the yelling was coming from, immediately recognizing the voices. Gillian and Em whispered that they would go onto the Green room unless I needed them. I shook my head indicating to them I was fine and they went on ahead without me.

“I want to see her! Make your move if you are going to make it, otherwise, Matty, let me have a chance,” Ross shouted at Matty.

“You only want her because she is mine!” Matty responded.

His? I was his?

“Is she yours? Really? Is she YOURS or are you staking claim now because I want a chance?” Ross questioned him.

“Ross, you have a thousand girls every night wanting to get in bed with you. Hell, we all do! But you, you choose two or three and then pick your favorite and fuck her brains out that night and leave the next day barely remembering her name or what she looked like. You are NOT going to do that to Brynn! I will not let you!” Matty bellowed.

“I don’t want to do that to Brynn!! I want to see her, really see her. Take her out, be with her and let what happens happen. I want to see if it will happen.”

“Pfft,” Matty huffed his disapproval and disbelief.

“I have never felt this way about someone. Ever. From that first night, when we met them at the Queens Arms pub and you attempted to feel your way up her leg after you aimed to break her toes on the damn table, I saw something I have never seen in another girl. Mate, listen to me. Don’t walk away. I’m serious.”

“I hear you, but I will seriously break your face if you keep it up MacDonald!”

“Brynn said she does not have romantic feelings for you, Matty! Did you know that? I can show you the text. It was less than an hour ago mate. Do you want to see it?”

“No, I don’t need to see it, because I already know.”

“What do you mean you already know?! You just said she was yours and you were going to break my face if I tried to get with her!!”

“Yep, and I will break your face if you try to get with her and then cause her pain. She does not deserve that. She is mine – she is my sister, my best girlfriend. We have clicked and I really like her, Ross. No, I love her like she is part of my family and I will not see her hurt.”

“What do I have to say to convince you that I won’t hurt her? If it does not work out, we should know pretty quickly, right? I will NOT hurt her! Have you not noticed that I have not been with ANY other girls since we met them? NONE! I have not FUCKED any of them. I don’t want to! I just want to talk to Brynn, see her, be in her presence, and feel that feeling that has me so gutted whenever she is around. And then you walk in, like a big ass rooster preening his feathers getting ready to take all the women, and put your arm around her, kiss her cheek and she blushes. I want to punch you in the throat when you do that. I have NEVER wanted to punch you in the throat so badly, mate. Do you hear me?! Matty! Listen to me!” Ross pleaded with Matty.

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