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Bella's pov:

Darkness...That's all there was, my eyes are closed but I'm not asleep. It took me a while to remember what happened and I instantly opened my eyes, taking deep breaths. I observed my surroundings and found I was in an unfamiliar place. I was in a room covered with dull colours giving a gloomy atmosphere.

Once I noticed the door leading out of the room, I bolted towards the door, hoping to find my friends. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge, I sighed, knowing I was trapped here.

After a few minutes of pondering on how to escape an alarm sounded. "All inmates head over to the cafeteria for breakfast immediately," an unrecognizable voice said through an intercom.

Suddenly the door opened revealing two guards waiting for me. "Come with us," one of the guards said sounding intimidating. I could see the guns in their hands and decided it would be best not to try anything for now and follow their orders.

I silently walked up to them and they lead through long hallways with lots of other cells like mine. I noticed lots of people leaving their cells, most of them left unguarded whereas some prisoners had guards escorting them like me.

The longer we walked, the more I started to notice things I didn't notice before. I spotted lots of cameras hidden around me and there seemed to be a lot of soldiers patrolling the areas at all times.

'This place is heavily guarded,' I thought, 'it would be very difficult to get out of this place without getting caught.'

As I was thinking this the guards finally got me to breakfast. "Your food's over there," The guard on my right said pointing to where the food was. I nodded and quietly headed over there. Once I got my food the guards came up to me.

"After breakfast, we'll explain why you're here and what's going to happen to you," The female guard said.

"Ok," I replied, a bit scared of what might happen.

"You'll be fine," The male guard reassured.

I nodded my head, not entirely believing what they said.

"Your friends are over on that table over there," The female guard said.

Third-person pov:

Bella rushed over to the table as quick as she could. She placed her tray of food next to Giddeon's and gave him a big heart-warming hug. He turned towards her to see who was hugging him and gave her the biggest smile he could. He hugged her back, relieved to see that she was ok and looked unharmed. 

"Are you ok?" Gideon asked, just to make sure she was ok.

"I'm fine," Bella replied, happy to see her best friend. "Have you seen any of the others that were at the hideout?" She asked while letting go of him.

"No," He replied, "None that I recognize."

Bella's pov:

I nodded understandingly, hoping the others were ok. I sat down and started eating my breakfast, wondering if I could trust those people that brought us here.

"Can we trust them?" I asked Giddeon, unsure of their intentions.

"Well...They're not controlled by the government," He said, unsure of what to think.

"How can you tell?" I asked him curiously.

"The guards aren't wearing the same uniform as the government soldiers," He stated.

"Do you trust them?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure," Giddeon replied, "I can't make a judgment yet, even though they captured us the guards are much too nice to everyone."

"Do you trust them?" He asked me.

I trust them

I don't trust them

Or I don't know


Ok, so this is your first choice that will impact the story. What you say will determine the character's behaviour towards others and their relationships with people they know. Certain people might like or dislike them more because of the characters opinions so be careful about your choice. This decision might affect choices these characters will make later on without your influence. For example, if you chose to say that Bella trusted the people that brought her here she would act nicer towards the guards, there might be good and/or bad consequences but nothing is for certain. Giddeon and Bella's friendship won't usually change that much depending on the choices made, this is because they are very close to each other. There definitely won't be many unnecessary dramas between the two because they trust each other. I'll try to make a branching path depending on each choice you make, you can read all the choices but it might take a while because I was hoping to branch off from each choice. Kind of like in Detroit Become Human, a video game where your choices affect the story to a point where there is (presumably) over 99 endings. I definitely won't be able to do that but I'm trying to aim for a bunch of different paths you can take. I might have to make a lot of books for this story so you can keep track of the choices you made. I will write a path for every single choice made, this means that each person that reads this book can make their own choices, I WON'T form this story based on the choices that had the majority of votes. Sorry, this is a long author's note but I was hoping to explain how the choices will work in this story and since I'm bad at explaining things, a lot of what I said might be hard to understand. If you have any questions please ask me and I will answer as fast as I can.

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