The Were's

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"B00! Not another werewolf movie!" I loudly proclaimed tossing a hand full of popcorn at the screen. A couple of fellow movie patrons shush you with only caused your two girlfriends sitting on either side of you to burst out laughing. "Really you need silence in the previews!" You call over your shoulder. Some old guy clearly on a date behinds you say" yes" then calls you a bitch.

Bitch! That's a female dog! Normally you wouldn't let that kind of offense slide but you happened to be in a good mood today and not about to let this guy ruin it.

In fact, you were pretty much the opposite of a bitch, You are a cat! You hated the term werecat, it sounded too much like those loser dogs. You preferred to be called a shapeshifter. It sounds cooler right? What, you've never heard of us? Well, there is a good reason for that! Unlike the stupid dogs, the immortal crybaby vampire, and spell casting witches, you cats know how to stay off the human radar and lord don't get me started on humans, like that jerk back there demanding silence to please his sour-faced girlfriend, that's now giving you the stink eye.

So you give the woman a smile and turn back to watch the previews for yet another cheesy werewolf/ vampire movie. The human's obsession with werewolves has always annoyed you slightly, they aren't that magical!

It's simple, really, Were's change according to their clan line and, through history, clans fought to the death over territory, some clan to the break of extinction, until the great treaty was signed by your grandmother.

The North that went to the dog's and their alias area, vampires had the West and who are we kidding the bloodsucker have any alias! East was the witches, though the witches, for the most part, are neutral they remind you of a bunch of 60's hippies with there make love, not war, why can't we all get along attitudes and that left the South to the Cats.

Cat clans are not like wolves. Firstly there are hardly any males around. It's in their nature to roam, they only come around to mate and soon after leave. In fact, you don't even know who your father is, probably just some random Tom caught your mom at a weak moment and bingo bango You! It doesn't bother you not knowing who your father is. Males, who needs them! Besides it leave the women to lead. You were born into the largest female clan whose leader just so happens to be the most furious and admired shapeshifter in the south, your mother, Annabelle Crimson. To say you idolize your mother was an understatement she was the strongest, smartest person you knew. She was a skilled warrior, a brilliant negotiator and beautiful too boot. From the moment you could walk she was training you to be her replacement and you felt this trip was your first step, it had to be! She has never allowed you to leave the territory before.

Right now you were in the neutral zone, the yearly clan council was gathering. The representatives come together to deal with the current issue and from what you have been told everyone normally just sits around and argues. Which all sound completely boring and like a complete waste of time but according to mother, "Celeste you need to learn to lead our clan and to command the respect of the table," As much as you respect your mother, learning to lead just doesn't sound all that much fun to a 17 year old. So even though you were supposed to be in your hotel room reading your notes for tomorrow's meeting, you were actually out having fun with your friends, Kammy and Dania. A day spent shopping and now you were all resting your feet by watching a movie.

The smell hit you first but you notice your friends tense beside you, "There's a dog here." Dania whisper next to you. You inhale slowly, deeply.

"Three," You reply, you definitely smell at least three dogs. You turn your head slowly scanning the room until you lock on a group of young males making their way down the aisle. Two were likely your age but the one in the middle was older maybe 19ish. They froze too all six of you seemed to be caught in a staring competition.

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